adware problem

I received a message this morning that I had infected file, win32:adware gen, or something to that effect. Unfortunately, in my ignorance, I chose to delete the file. Now I can’t get into the Internet. What can I do? I am using avast 4.7 home edition.


Can you remember which file it was that you deleted.

i.e. C:\windows\system32\

Deletion isn’t really a good first option (you have none left), ‘first do no harm’ don’t delete, send virus to the chest and investigate.

Check in the avast! Log Viewer (right click avast icon) and check the Warning section of the log viewer, it has details of the detections, malware name, original file name and original location.

the log was: Win32:Adware-gen.[Adw]

That is no different to what you have already told us and unfortunately not very helpful. The log contains all the other information requested.

[url=http://Now I can’t get into the Internet. What can I do?]Now I can’t get into the Internet. What can I do?[/url]
Why, what errors are you getting ?
The more information you can give us the easier it will be to try and help.

Lost Internet Connection - To recover you internet connection, try downloading and running WinsockXPfix:
This assumes you are using XP, what is your OS ?

Check in the avast! Log Viewer (right click avast icon) and check the Warning section of the log viewer, it has details e detections, malware name, original file name and original location.

Here is what was on the log viewer:

Sign of “Win32:Adware-gen[Adw]” has been found in “C:\System Volume Information_restore{F20DC6C2-5212-4F33-8959-AB7D05D4CDB6}\RP852\A0107337.exe” file.

Well even if windows let avast delete that, which I doubt, it shouldn’t have had any effect on your internet connection.

The c:\System Volume Information folder is a part of the system restore function and as such is protected by windows, the only way to clean infected _restore points is to disable system restore and reboot. This will clear ALL _restore points. Once you have disabled system restore, reboot, scan your PC again and if clear enable system restore.

Win XP - How to disable System Restore

So the connection issue is unrelated to this, as I asked earlier, what errors are you getting when you try to connect ?

Did you download and run the winsockxpfix link that I gave you ?

I just tried to download the winsock file and failed. If I can’t get on the internet, how can I download it?

I am getting the standard message, “This page cannot be displayed. . . The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. . .” when I try to get on the Internet.

Can’t you use another computer or ask to a friend to do it for you and send it in a floppy or USB drive?

How are you connecting to post here ?
I assumed you are using a different computer to post, use that to connect and download the fix, save it to a floppy or CD and use that on your system that can’t connect.

For XP SP2, you could also try, Windows Start, Run - and type ‘netsh winsock reset’ without the quotes - this may be enough to fix the issue.

Thanks for all your suggestions.

I am using a laptop to connect here. I am currently rescanning my computer after disabling system restore and rebooting. If that doesn’t work, I will try the winsockfix that you suggested. Hopefully, one of these things will work. If not, I will try your most recent suggestion.

I doubt that a scan or disabling system restore will resolve the connection problem, they seem unrelated. If your version of XP is SP2 then try the netsh winsock reset trick first, no need to go on line to try that. If that doesn’t work it will have to be trying the winsockxpfix download.

A belated welcome to the forums, good luck.

Unfortunately, none of the fixes you suggested worked. I tried ‘netsh winsock reset,’ and the ‘winsockxpfix’. Do you have any other suggestions?

Sorry, they are the standard fixes for lost connections, you still haven’t answered what errors are you getting when you try to connect, that may throw some more light on it ?

Without information we are just suggesting standard options or guessing.

:slight_smile: Hi Suzem :

 Perhaps it is obvious to the others making suggestions, but it might be helpful if you
 DEFINITELY told us the NAME of the Operating System of the "infected" computer !?
 If Win XP, is it SP1 or SP2 ? Have you recently "upgraded" to IE 7 ? Which IE are
 you using ?

 P.S. Another possibility is to download "LSP-Fix" from using
 the laptop onto a floppy or CD ( the CD is better ), then install it into the other ; there
 is a "Tutorial" on using this program at : .

What I am getting when I try to get on the Internet (IE version 6) is a page that says:

"The page cannot be displayed

The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical dificulties . . . ."

That is the only error message I am getting.

I am using XP, sp2.

Have you tried a different browser, firefox or opera ?
Have you tried pausing ot terminating the Web Shield provider ?

If this works, then it is likely that the web shield provider is being blocked.
What is your firewall and does it allow ashWebSv.exe to connect ?

A google search for the common errors (The page cannot be displayed) and (
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable) returns many hits.

See and see if they offer up any help.

It does seem the spyware in the restore point issue is not related to the connection problem. Was there anything else you were doing to the PC at the time? Any settings changed, programs changed, other scans going on etc? Could you have inadvertantly deleted something else? Is it possible for other programs on the computer eg AV updates, email, etc to connect? Cable, or dial up? Checked with your ISP that there isn’t a network problem? Is the modem indicating connectivity? What sort of firewall is it and do you also have an antispyware program resident?
A bit more info, if you have any, might help.

I found another tool that you can try,, similar to the winsockxpfix but slightly different.