AEA First time login

Ok… So I’m stumped and I believe this is an easy fix, I’m just not thinking lol…

I just finished installing Avast Protection Suite Plus on my server with the DB checking out just fine. But when I go to open the AEA Management console the login will not detect my server… I’ve tried manually putting the server name, IP, IP w/ masking, IP with DNS, and server. As of now I’m not on a domain as the controller will not be finished until next week (new company). Does the AEA require a domain to detect servers for management? If not what is prohibiting the console from discovering the server that it is installed on?!?

The plan was to get familiar with the console before full deployment and domain implementation, but if this is required then I guess I can wait.

The first thing on the top of my head - does the DB server have a firewall blocking the standard SQL ports?