AEA Virus Chest problems

I just loaded my AEA server about 2 weeks ago and only have 30 computers moved over from Sophos so far I have had about I am using Group Policy to open firewall ports on my computers in the domain. When I click on the Connect to Virus Chest I get the error “Program cannot use Chest client: 1
—>Description: The RPC server is unavailable”. I have went threw my Firewall setting and see all the ports that are supposed to be open are open 16135, 16136, 16139, 16138, 16133, 135, 139, 445, 137, 138. If I disable the firewall on the computer I can open the virus chest with no problems. So obviously I am missing a port or something I don’t understand why it is not working.
Someone has probably addressed this in another post but when I search using the phrase Cannot access Virus Chest it displayed no results. It would be nice if the forum search results were better instead you have to use Google to search for answers.

Not to excited about the support in the forums so far 24 hours no answer. Guess thats why I haven’t rolled it out to all 800 workstations yet.

Instead of searching for chest access, do a search for Firewall Ports. There is a post that discusses the ports required. Try opening those ports and see if it helps: