[AEPSP 7.0.1 RC] Cannot uninstall.

I want to uninstall current spanish version to install english version.

When I try to uninstall I have got this error (see picture).

Dear Ed, can’t you go into add / remove programs, and change the language there?

No, same error: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=98687.0

AVAST Team say:“It seems everything is related to the wrong program versioning while we are building public build. That’s also related to the uninstall issue etc… Im working on it with DEV team right now.
We will upload a new version very soon

Ooops, you hit a bug. This one is serious, thank you for the catch!
The symptoms are - the AEA RC-build cannot be uninstalled at all.

We are working on fix. We’ll release RC2 build that you can update to. And then this affected functionality will start to work again.

Sorry for inconvenience

This is the job of a beta tester, TEST and report. :wink: