after avast uninstall windows wont boot

so i was told to move this to the linux section but im not so sure, anyways please read until the end:
so i just used the normal control panel uninstal for windows, i then went to reboot my system and my system is stuck in the boot up repair loob followed by everyones favorite blue screen.

in digging around trying to fix it i found a article with indentical symptoms relating it to uninstalling avast, heres that article:

there are no restore points, i cant repair, pretty much any simple fix hasnt worked. ive done pretty much every command prompt fix i could find with no luck.

my question is has anyone else had this issue and been able to resolve it? i cant boot into safe mode but i currently am booted into linux from a thumb drive and was at least abe to copy my files off.but id prefer not to have to wipe my drive, so are there any fixes i can do from here?

I answered in your other thread: