after install Avast Business on windows cannot send email using

I installed avast business on a windows server 10
I developing application that send mails using host service after installed Avast all http post to that host fails. Avast ask to restart Computer and I did it.
after computer restart. still avast ask to restart. but trying to restart withiin avast interface server do not resart I need to do it manually.
After reboot as soon Computer restarted was possible to send mail using… but today I retry again but still back cannot send email using
I trying a lot of options on configuration but withou luck.
please anyone can suggest what I have to do to restore the functionality withou uninstall avast?

First of all: There is no Windows Server 10… :wink:


  • Do you use Avast managed by the Business Hub or is it running standalone? This makes a diffrence when it comes to configuring certain settings.
  • Have you tried to disable web shield component?
  • does it work, when you disable Avast temporarly?

From your description I’d say it is a component of the Avast that is blocking here.

ok sorry windows server 2019
yes all work when I disable access remote protection and ramsonware protection

what is happen is trhat all HTTPPOST HTTPGET API that I use on my webapp do not work if both protection are enabled. The sendgrid calls are HTTPPOST

so what I can do to abvoid to uninstall Avast? What we really need is the Remote Access protection since we have always hackersthat try to login with remote access

And I use Avast standalone I do not know about using Avast Hub. I installed and running Avast on that server connected to the server by Remote Access.

another information that can be useful to understand what we can do.,
after I deactivated both protections remote access and ramsomware for 10 minutes all https call work on our webapp how I already explain… and it continue to work also after 10 minutes when the protections are automatically reactivated.
but maybe after some hours or day after we go to check and still not work. Hope you have some good suggestion to solve this problem

I take from your description that you have the server directly connected to the internet, can you confirm?

You can setup exclusions within the Avast client for certain components like web shield and also for ransomeware shield.
I would assume that the web shield is blocking the access but you will only find out if you play with those exclusion settings.
The access will not work if you only disable one of both components right?