After OS X update, avast mac edition can no longer quit on Snow Leopard

Hello forum :slight_smile:
my apologize if this is mentioned before, I can’t find a similar posting using forum search.

My problem:
avast mac edition (can’t find the version number) is installed in august 2009 on iMac 9,1 on Intel Core 2 Duo, 10.5.x Leopard, all worked fine, setting was launch at startup as a persistent application (option: checked)
After update to 10.6.x Snow Leopard I cannot quit avast any longer.

Steps to reproduce:
Go to preferences

  1. Option launch at start up as a persistent application is unchecked.
    Quit preferences
    Quit avast
    Result: after quit avast, the program restarts automatically
    Expected: avast shuts down

  2. Option launch at start up as a persistent application is unchecked.
    check these option
    push “quit and relaunch…” button
    Result: Option stays “unchecked”
    Expected: option get “checked”

So, the problem is, that the preference Launch at start up as a persistent application seems to be broken, and the setting of avast mac edition stays in the setting of Leopard OS X before updating to Snow Leopard OS X

Thank for ideas!

It’s Version 2.74R0 (ServiceKit 1.41)
by the way, can somebody reproduce this ?

Hallo, this is caused by arbitrary changes in the whole launchd architecture. launchd is an Applism-MacOSism, intended to replace the (old, good, functional) initd/cron/at utilities suite.

You can “fix” this manually, just by editing the avast’s plist (/Applications/avast!.app/Contents/Resources, com.avast.MacAvast.plist) - remove the disabled key manually (former launchctl did this, new one doesn’t obey -w switch).

use launchctl to plug this modified plist in. i have new build here, where this should be fixed.


Thanks for reply, but now I ran into problems with terminal

Last login: Tue Oct 20 14:44:06 on console myname-imac:~ myname$ launchctl launchd% /Applications/avast!.app/Contents/Resources/com.avast.MacAvast.plist launchctl: unknown subcommand "/Applications/avast!.app/Contents/Resources/com.avast.MacAvast.plist"

Next try: I opened the *.plist-file with texteditor
changed the code
saved as *.txt-file
changed the extension *.txt to *.plist
deleted the original file
pasted the clone into the directory
closed all
restarted my iMac
same result as before, can’t quit avast, can’t change the “launch…” preference
The *.plist after deleting the disabled key now is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

So, what do I wrong by fixing this manually :-[

probably the default (when the key is missing) is enabled. Then, change the value in the disabled key to true, and restart the computer.


This didn’t work too, but here is my little workaround to quit avast in this special issue (for people, who must quit avast for some reasons):

  1. quit avast by right-click on the dock-icon
    result: avast shuts down and restarts immediately
  2. quit avast a second time
    result: avast shuts down and restarts about 3 seconds later
  3. within these 3 seconds, trash (finder/applications)
    result: avast is trashed, but process is still persistent
  4. go to apple menu and force quit the process
    result: process is killed
  5. restart Mac
    result: no avast process ;D

Now men can do stuff where all applications has to be quit (me: install windows by using bootcamp assistant)
After this, replace avast from trash or reinstall avast (be sure, that u have saved the license.dat from your avast license-mail)

Nevertheless, thank u for your time to help me! :slight_smile:

Hallo, yes, this is a bit … cruel, but possible - it’s about trashing app in the right moment, when launchd isn’t trying to restart it.
But, anyway, launchctl a plist editing must do the same job. i’ll test the beta, regarding this issue right now.
