I scanned a friends computer the other day, and after avast was done, it had 9178 items. I tried fixing… couldn’t be done. I tried moving and renaming, …still wouldn’t allow me. Couldn’t even place in chest. The only option appears to be deleting, but I’m not comfortable with this at all. What do I do now? I will also mention, these appear to be issues from a game (from the names like blasterball, eyeballs, etc.), although she swears she’s never downloaded or played games online. I believe her, but I do wonder if her ex-boyfriend may have.
Too many items infected could ask for reinstallation… could be easier than cleanning.
Are you using Windows XP?
Can you schedule a boot-time scanning?
Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning.
Select for scanning archives.
Access denied means, generally, that the file is in use by another process (program) and cannot be repaired/cleaned/moved/handled by avast!
What exactly were those items? I mean, was a virus name shown next to them? If yes, which one? If not, what exactly did the results say? (a few examples)