After the Firewall also Comodo BOClean!

Hi malware fighters,

After I installed the COMODO Firewall I also downloaded the anti malware scanner COMODO BOClean: The makers of this product say "Comodo acquired BOClean ( . One of the oldest and most respected Anti Trojan companies around.

BOClean has a very effective engine and more importantly top notch expertise and people in the field. We are happy to announce that Kevin will be joining forces with Comodo and work with us to create world’s best Anti malware/virus/trojan/spyware/rootkit product around for FREE!

Comodo is totally committed to create a world leading Anti-Malware product for FREE! We have now assembled a world class team of people who will take us to next level. So expect some good stuff from us."

So drhayden1, now that you said goodbye to a-squared free load up COMODO BOClean, it is also free now, and 24347 trojans are covered in my current BOC423.XVU file:


thanks i’ll give it a try ::slight_smile:
Compatibility Information
BOClean has been carefully designed not to conflict with other software, particularly antivirus or other protection programs. Any time you have programs running however, each wants as much CPU time as possible. When many programs of any type are running, the machine will slow down slightly as each additional program runs. We are mindful of this and have designed BOClean to use minimum resources and CPU time. BOClean is designed to function so as to minimize conflict with other software running on on your system while it runs constantly in the background.
BOClean runs on Windows 2000 Pro, Server, and Enterprise Editions, and Windows XP Home and Professional Editions. BOClean’s functionality will work at any patch level, with or without service packs or patches since their original installation as well as all service packs and patches released by Microsoft over the years. BOClean also supports the LITESTEP replacement Windows Shell.
If you find that BOClean does interfere with multimedia display or slows down another program or “burps” it while the traybar icon flashes red, you can doubleclick the BOClean icon to pause BOClean. While BOClean is paused, you have ZERO protection so it is not recommended that you leave BOClean in pause mode by having its menu onscreen for any length of time. As soon as is convenient, EXIT the menu. At this time, BOClean will do two full scans and then return to sentinel mode where it is far less active. We’ve designed it this way in case of any unanticipated conflicts.
avast ye polonus 8)
click on to see pirate in action 8)

Hi drhayden1,

Thanks for the heads up. I am fully aware of what the program does. Give it a try to see how heavy it weighs on the old Win XP SP2 cycles. As long as there are thousands of people in the UK that have nothing else to do than watching online the ripening of Cheddar cheese, I think we are still out of harm’s way. And if the cheese won’t turn you green, you can also watch the American piano-playing cat on YouTube, a recarnation of one of the cats of Haydn presumably.
Have a nice day, my friend,


question for ye polonus-how can you tell if its doing anything-kind of reminds me of spyware blaster ???
Destroys malware and removes registry entries
Does not require a reboot to remove all traces
Disconnects the threat without disconnecting you
Generates optional report and safe copy of evidence
Automatically sweeps and detects INSTANTLY in the background
Configurable “Stealth mode” completely hides BOClean from users
Optional central administration prevents user tampering
Protects itself from malware tampering or shutdown
Support by Privacy Software Corporation at no charge
FREE daily malware database updates from our web site
Update file can be shared/pushed on a server for easy maintenance
Full spectrum malware coverage and protection

hint: read the link polonus gave you … this section in particular :wink:


A blue or green colored “flick” of the traybar icon will be noted when BOClean does this recalibration every ten seconds. The icon’s black vacuum cleaner will turn BLUE when memory is being examined in connection with a program starting, it will flick green when it’s doing a routine examination of the registry during a recalibration. Formerly, BOClean would flick RED during the recalibration cycle which confused people, causing them to think a trojan had been caught, or worse, MISSED. As of BOClean 4.12, you will ONLY see the icon turn “blood red” IF a trojan has been caught and an alert is being triggered OR if you open the configuration screen or button bar, during which time BOClean goes “quiet” and you’re unprotected. It will REMAIN red until all cleanup has completed, or when you close the button bar, whereupon BOClean will start its examination cycle again with the icon being blue until it has REscanned ALL memory andrecalibrated itself.

You will also see the icon turn blue and remain blue at startup or when BOClean has been stopped for configuration and the menu is closed when you’re done with the button bar and configuration screen. Disk activity will be furious as well as BOClean examines not only memory, but all of the files and associated system libraries associated with each process, task, or device driver. This may take a while depending on how many items are currently running on your achine at startup time. BOClean will examine every detail at startup, and this may take some time. BOClean is designed to yield to other tasks with higher priorities, so don’t be surprised if the icon remains blue for a decent period of time at startup or “start from zero” recalibrations. This is NORMAL. At any interruption of BOClean, it will discard its internal list of already examined items and start from scratch with a blue icon color. It will REMAIN blue until BOClean has finished all examinations, whereupon it will revert to its green flick every ten seconds when the system is examined and remains “quiet.” BOClean will immediately respond as soon as a trojan prepares toactually start running. If BOClean remains quiet, all is well.

If a “trojan horse” or other malware is present on your machine, BOClean will shut it down FIRST, then you’ll receive a warning box and you will be prompted by BOClean asking if you want to remove the offending file and clean up its remains. If you are running BOClean in regular standalone mode, you will be able to hit YES to perform a safe cleanup, or you can hit the NO button to delay cleanup if there is some valid reason. If you hit the YES button, the trojan horse will be removed from your hard disk and the windows registry. There is NO NEED to disconnect from theinternet or your network and a reboot is not necessary either. In the RARE situation where you are using a remote control trojan horse or other known malware and INTEND to be using it, you can use the BOClean EXCLUDE screenas described later to tell BOClean to IGNORE any nasties you INTEND to use for whatever purposes. You can ALSO use the Excluder to tell BOClean to be gentle on any poorly behaved programs from other vendors that make themachine crash. See below.

If a program or the desktop itself has been infected by a memory “injection” into another program, BOClean may shut down a legitimate program which is infected, or may reset your desktop, causing it to go blank and then reappear. This permits BOClean to destroy the injection. Under the most EXTREME circumstances, BOClean might even force a system reboot. Only a small handful of trojans are so severe as to require this drastic a step, but in such a situation, BOClean is “smart” enough to know when such a drastic step is required and will do so if absolutely necessary in the rare event that a nasty cannot be stopped by any other means.


A nice proggie, just wonder how effective it is ? Any reviews ?

thanks for the posting and info :wink:
one review i found ???

Hi drhayden1,

Satisfied so far, sitting there, and once in a while I look at the little screen turning green, then again blue.


just sitting there waiting for the BOClean taskbar to change color and drinking some of your brew-what a life polonus my friend you have :smiley:

Hi Dan, the latest on the BOClean, it is only using up 7.640 KB.
A normal browser with me does 30.000 and a full consuming Flock can get to 120.000 KB weighing in hard on the cycles. So BOClean heavy on the cycles, no way. The brew I am on is alderberry juice.
Good against the flu…


ok damian…gonna download it and try it and see-but i am not just gonna sit there and watch colors change :smiley:

Edited-It’s on my laptop and it’s Blue at the present point in time 8)