after wipe my device has been marked as archived

Dear all please help.

I have Samsung note 3 with android 5.0. After upgrade to new android MMS has stopped working. So i had to make wipe and all necessary backups.


  1. I buy premium Avast
  2. connect Avast Backup to my Avast account and google drive
  3. make backup.
  4. Samsung Wipe
  5. Install Avast Backup
  6. connect Avast Backup to my Avast account and google drive
  7. Problem - I don’t see old backup to recover.


  1. on my Avast account in sheet device there is Samsung N9005 and other Samsung N9005.
  2. 1th Samsung is avtive and have no backup
  3. 2nd Samsung is marked as archive and there is my backup which I need to recover. I cant connect my avast Backup to archived device.

can someone help me with this? or maybe support can do some magic?

thanks in advice

Same situation here so also waiting for a solution.


Avast Polish support helped me with this.
I made new installation of avast and avast backup on other device (tablet Samsung galaxy tab 7). In this device it was possible to pick archive device.
after this another try on Samsung note and there also was option to pick archived device.

best regards

Thanks for your answer. I do not have another phone to do that :frowning:

Sorted. On the backup app go “browse backups” then choose “device” then it will show both “active” and “archived”.
Choose “archived” and then restore what you want.

I didn’t notice this. Thank you for pointing it out :slight_smile:
Restoring as I type.