Hi. i’m using avast 4.6 home. since yestarday i had a very high usage for asherv.exe, so i started reding the forum. the issues are very much, and reading something i tried to put the protection of the standard server to normal. the problem seems to be there, with normal everything is ok. but it’s quite odd to have an antivirus that can’t protect you highly so my question is: is there any news on the topic?
Well, I won’t call it odd. It’s perfectly normal: protection needs resources, you must choose the level you need/want/can…
But, ashserv.exe shouldn’t take so much resources unless you’re doing ‘intense’ HDD utilization or running an on-demand scanning.
Welcome to forums.
i think i’ve found the problem. my mirc logs are all trimmed to 1024kb. is it too much for the scanner?
Well, the main question is: is it really the mirc logs that are scanned by avast! continuously, causing the CPU load? Of course, I don’t know how many channels you have open (and how much traffic is there), but it seems strange to me that it should generate so much scanning.
You can click the avast! tray icon to open the On-demand scanner console and check the details of Standard Shield provider - in particular the Last scanned item. You will see what is being scanned (and you can possibly put the affected files to avast! exclucions).
Here too isavast 4.6 running.
And here too it causes big troubles with mirc.
mirc slows down to almost 0 always when performing actions, for example starting up and joining channels or generally joining channels.
When I disable in Instant Messaging the option mirc AND when I uncheck the Option Scan created/modified filesStandard Shield under Scanner Advanced it works fine.
It doesn’t matter a lot if the channels are very populated or not.
But I have long logfiles of those channels and the buffer settings of mirc are quite high:
3’364 lof files and 486 MB.
It is interestng that also selecting all and right click all to get to the contect menu takes up to a minute (context.dll) but consumes only 30% of CPU.
The PC is a dual Xeon 2.4 GHz workstation with 2 GB RAM, which should be able to process much more I imagine.
If you need more information feel free to ask me
I suggest to put the mIRC log folder into the list of exclusions (on the last page of Standard Shield configuration), e.g. as *\mirc\logs*.log
btw. that doesnt work. Althought i put mirc´s log folder to standard shield configuration´s list, it will keep on scanning them. I had to turn IRC scanning off from the Instant Messaging Configuration, so now it doesnt scan the log files, but im now worried about irc worms and so on. But there is no other way?
What exactly did you put in the Standard Shield, Advanced tab, locations not to be scanned ?
Ensure the example path that Igor gave matches your folder set-up for your mirc log file.
Well i put it this way:
Isnt this same thing as “*\mirc\logs*.log” ?
No not quite the same as Igor’s example as your folder is \mIRC616. The reason I asked was if you had followed Igor’s example literally it wouldn’t have worked as it differs from your location.
Try it without the “quotes” like this *\mIRC616\logs*.log, unless you were just using them to clearly define what you had entered.
btw, the logs are not scanned by Standard Shield, them are scanned by Instant Messaging. There runs all the time last scanned: E:.…#channel.log
Standard Shield scans only mirc.exe eg.
Cant i turn Instant Messaging´s IRC-log scanning off? Or do i just have to take IRC off from the Instant Messaging list?
And yes i tried that *\mIRC616\logs*.log too but it doesnt affect to Instant Messaging. Hmm?
The Exclusion list works for all resident protection, including IM provider, and not only for Standard Shield
Ahh, so it should work, but it doesnt ??? Strange, althought i have the log file addresses there it keeps scanning them… I dunno where´s the proble…
Use both long and short paths.
C:\Program files\
The checking is by strings (text) 8)
My mIRC is installed to E:\rebuild\ohjelmat\mIRC616
If you uncheck the mIRC checkbox in the Instant Messaging provider - does it help?
Yes, it helps, but isnt then whole mIRC unprotected? :-/
That was just a question, not a suggested solution (i.e. I should have probably written "temporarily uncheck).