again permissions problem after upgrade


Around 3-4 days ago, there was a new upgrade available for Avast.
Following this, we had again, like a few weeks ago, a permission problem on the folder where Avast is installed. This was on the same computer; the conditions were:

-win2K non-english (French in my case)
-Avast not installed in default directory

Changing the permission did solve the issue.

When we reported it few weeks ago, did the issue actually got solved or not?



Well I hope so! :slight_smile:
Or do you think otherwise?

Hi Vlk,

Well, the problem came back so I asked…

You don’t seem to be sure it was solved. I would suggest we monitor if other users are affected as well.


Came back? With the latest version?
Was the previous version fully removed?

yes, with latest version.

previous version was not removed: when problem happened before, we workarounded it by setting back the permissions.

What about the files outside the Avast folder?

Such \windows\system32\msvr*.dll
Such \windows\system32\mfc71.dll


Have access rights for these files been corrected as well?


I didn’t have to touch those…so I assume they are correct.

Which permissions should I have on them?

It would be best to (under Admin account) uninstall the old version, even run aswClear ( and then install the latest version again. This way, you can confirm/deny that the problem was indeed fixed in the latest version (that is, make sure that the new problem is not somehow caused by the previous version’s one).
