again, resources/memory usage

I run Avast4 build 4.1.280 (only 2 provider, mail and standard shield) on a 4 years old machine, 300 MHz Celeron processor with 128 MB Ram :-[
I compared resources/memory of both Avast4 and eTrust 7 promo and attached the snapshot of each one…
I know that this was discussed before :-, but could you -Alwil Team- please reconsider reducing the resources/memory usage of Avast4 ?? ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: :‘( :’( :cry:


So, what exactly is the point? The 2MB difference?

it is not just these 2 MB…
after an hour or so of pc usage I found myself using about 121/127.4 of my ram and have only 68% of my resources free ???
you know for old systems users like me, this resources/memory thing matters :-[:-\

So you’re telling that avast is constantly leaking memory in time? Are you sure it’s avast?

It’s quite normal that if you have 128MB of RAM, this memory will be in use. That’s why you have that memory, to fill it with programs, right?


most probably it is Avast4 ??? ???
I know it normal to have a memory full of programs…
but do you find it is normal to use 125.9mb/127.4mb of ram after about 9 min. of uptime and with only 2 IE windows open and only 2 providers of Avast4 are running as I said before… ???

Hi, Mina.

Actually, this was one of the chief reasons I eventually set Avast aside… the drain on resources. I’ve not given up entirely, but until I see some improvement, I’ll continue with AVG. :-\

I think you folks have a problem with Windows. Remove and reload Avast. DO NOT install more than one AV program. I have a 600MHz PIII running W98SE, W2K Pro, and WXP Pro (triple boot). Avast will pull a constant load of about 19MB of RAM if you use the default installation configuration. I don’t see ANY memory leak with AVAST. The CPU load should return to 5% or less if the PC is idling.


I used to have a memory leak with Avast when Kazaalite was running, but, that was traced to Windows Updates. At that time, Avast pulled more than 20,000K of memory while K-lite was using more than 18,000K. Took out Windows Updates, Avast memory use went down to
16,000K and K-lite down to 16,000K.

Here’s the interesting note – I uninstalled K-lite, then reinstalled, but I turned off all Avast providers while reinstalling K-lite. Avast memory use now is only between 12,000K and 16,000K and K-lite memory use is below 14,000K. No leaks, no freezes, no crashes.

Idling, my CPU is 0% and Avast is pulling less than

Try f’s advice to uninstall and reinstall Avast (might want to reboot after uninstall). If that doesn’t help, try uninstalling and reinstalling programs which may be using a lot of memory. This will sometimes solve some conflicts. (I’m putting Windows Updates back in over the weekend).


And minacross, really no offense but if I were you (or had your hardware) I’d definitely put away the wallpaper. Our experience shows that mere removing of such a colorful wallpaper can increase the overall responsiveness a lot, especially on weak HW configurations…


Would you be so kind and post your Startuplist?

You can use this software for ding so:

Please excuse my blutness, but I am really getting tired of the same old complaints.

Avast uses what it uses and does a fine job doing what it does. It runs fine the way it is, and to reduce memory usage would reduce its’ overall effectiveness.

I have Avast Home on an old ricky 300mhz, W98 machine with 128mb Ram which runs just dandy with Avast.

I found more memory usage from Zone Alarm than Avast.

The bottom line is if you truly are unsatisfied with Avast…then don’t use it! If your other anti-virus software is more appealing to you…buy it!

If you examine your start up list, I bet you will find many programs pulling down the memory but it seems that Avast always gets the blame.

Avast uses what it uses…normally between 12-19mb depending on what it is doing at the time. This is hardly a ship-sinking amount!!!

Its’ time somebody said enough is enough on this topic.

:frowning: >:( >:(

Vlk, I’ll try that…
raman and techie101, attached may startup list…

techie101 ,

I am not unsatisfied with Avast4, just wondering if it could be better ::slight_smile:
As you can see in the snapshot, I’ve a license of Nod32 v.2 . But I do trust Avast4 more than Nod32 …
I am using Avast4 and going to use it as long as it stays free…

Techie 101,

I hope you will also forgive my ‘bluntness’. But personally I enjoy reading these comments and hope they continue. NOT because it is any kind of moan about Avast, because I too think Avast is the best. However, surely evryone is entitled to express their own opinions/suggestions/wishes in a constructive fashion. After all you will see the Forum header say’s… “News: please feel free to ask any question about avast!” ???

Some things may be ‘old chestnuts’, but they do persist and I defy anyone to say that something cannot be improved and that it shouldn’t be commented on from time to time.

Personally, I am more interested in seeing these resourses being released a little more quickly, so that W-XP can shut down quicker. But ‘dare’ I say it again in case someone else is tired of hearing it ? :frowning: :frowning:


Sorry minacross…
I do not see any reason to be worried with avast! memory useage. There are lots of previous foruns discussing this. I’m with techie 100% :wink: Please, look my links to Freeware or choose this for defragmenting RAM. I really recommend it FreeRam XP Pro 1.4.

Yawn This is a tired old argument. One, RAM is very elastic. It changes constantly. Two, you have plenty of virtual memory allocated in case you run low. Three, RAM is cheap so look on Ebay. Four, Avast has better results than Etrust (which used to be free too). Five, contempt prior to investigation is a sign of complete laziness and trying to promote self-esteem that is lacking. Five, who gives a hoot!

Now, take away my Karma!

Didn’t think you had it in ya! You get a “K” from me for standing ground.

(although I thought the $… was a bit much)

techie :wink:

You’re right. I changed $ to hoot :smiley:

You should use Norton AV 2004 according to the NAV lovers it doesn’t slow anything down. Forget worrying about that 25 megs of ram and go with the AV that never uses any resources.

;D ??? 8)