If you go Here: http://www.pandasoftware.com/virus_info/work/
You can test Avast!
It does not seem to detect anything, especially from web pages.
I sent an e-mail to support about it, and never got a reply.
If you go Here: http://www.pandasoftware.com/virus_info/work/
You can test Avast!
It does not seem to detect anything, especially from web pages.
I sent an e-mail to support about it, and never got a reply.
I have no problems with any of the tests using avast 4.1 Home.
Without knowing what your settings are, e.g. Providers (avast) you are using and what sensitivity (normal/high/custom)
How you have set up the Internet Mail and Resident Protection. What email program you are using and whether it is POP3/IMAP or Outlook/Exchange (which uses the Outlook/Exchange Provider and not the Internet Mail provider.
have you setup your Email/Wizard settings, have you confirmed your mail is being checked?
If it is there should be either notification in your email message or headers that it has been checked. If not it is not setup correctly it wont provide protection.
In order for people to help you we need more information.
HTH - David
Me too, avast intercepts in all 3 tests…
(avast settings changed to scan created/modfied files as per extension list; and script-files on open)
I have the Avast! 4 Home Free Edition
I have The Resident Protection set to Custom
Instant Messaging-Normal
Internet Mail-Normal
Outlook Exchange-Normal
The Virus on a web page test detects nothing
The downloading test detects nothing
Previously The Resident Protection was set to Standard and the tests detected Nothing.
I’m not counting the e-mail test as nothing was delivered, perhaps because my ISP screens incoming mail for Viruses and did not deliver it. I do not know.
Do any of you use sensitivity at ‘High’? Otherwise, tests can be unconclusive. Antivirus are made to run at high protection or you can always run a test out of detection 8)
If you have any undetected virus file, can you send it to virus@avast.com ?
Previous to the post by Technical, I set the Standard Shield-High
This time Avast! 4 Home Free did detect the Virus on a web page and was able to remove it.
It detected the Downloading virus, but I was unable to remove it until I Ended Task on the Web Page.
Things are now looking a lot better.
Do you think it is best to set everything on “High”.
at least I know that Standard Shield Must be set to High.
Yes, for easy and secure, I think you must set to ‘High’.
Custom is for advanced users with ‘low’ system resources (few RAM).
Normal is for off-line computers
No antivirus is for crazy ones.
avast is for the best ones ;D
Imho in normal, avast only intercepts/blocks on=before executing;
so it’s a pretty good protection, but would fail those tests (which needs scan on=after close/write settings)
I only have Resident Protection & Internet Mail active (no Outlook [OE], P2P or IM programs on my system) and both are set to High.
I have tried at first to set them to Custome and made alterations to the default settings in customise (my thoughts were not low resources but highest level of protection, 512Mb Ram).
I would have assumed that the slider bar would stay at Custom having customised your settings, but this always resets itself back to High.
Does this mean that if any changes made in customise are lost because the slider setting reverts back to High and not Custom?
Does this mean that if any changes made in customise are lost because the slider setting reverts back to High and not Custom?
most likely the settings are lost…coz it should remains at custom
Looks like I may have found an undocumented feature (MS speak for bug).
Does this happen for anyone else, the slider reverting back to High after setting to Custom and customising, or can you customise any of the slider settings (Normal and High)?
Even though the slider won’t stay on Custom, reverting to High, the next time I enter the customise window the settings would appear to be those that I set (so they are being remembered), whether they are active when the slider reverts to High is anyones guess.
I just took the panda test and Avast passed with flying colors. ;D
But, I never had any doubts.
Ok,but i think all of you have started to research on the wrong end… As far as i was testing this thing (this test) it only works under IE6. Browsers like Mozilla/Opera prevent these tests to complete. Also there is a note on the page that this test is only valid for IE.
I’m 200% sure that files of Mozilla/Opera that are located in cache folder are detected/scanned by avast! as well so there is no need to worry. Just make sure that Resident Shield module is set to High and VPS up to date.
Hi DavidR,
have you done the changes under Administrator-Login ?
on my W2000, when I customize settings they remain like this after reboot, and slider stays on custom
EDIT: SomeOtherAV intercepts all 3 tests under Netscape 7.02, too (which has the mozilla engine);
No, I’m the only user, and have Administrator Privileges, so that should be ok. (Win XP Pro SP1a)
I tried switching User but my Login wouldn’t give an option to log on as Administrator (Ctl+Alt+Del, usual break to administrator), so I will probably have to reboot and try it from there. I don’t believe that will make a difference though as I have administrator privileges.
I don’t know how it is with XP Pro; on XP HE you can only reach the real “Administrator” by booting in safeMode (F8-Boot) for the 1st time.
Afterwards, it should be available via normal boot or logoff/login
In Win2000 (since SP2/SP4 ?) there are subtle, but mean differences between adminUser and the one-and-only, REAL “Administrator” concerning what they can or can’t do.
Maybe also in XP ?
what changes exactly did you do/customize ? maybe avast recognized those as identical to “HIGH” security, and thus kept the slider there…
XP Pro lets you use the clasic (win2000 style) login where you input your user (administrator) and password. You use Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up that login screen rather than click on a users image and enter the password.
The main changes were:
Scanner Advanced, Scan created/modified and default extension set.
Blocker, ticked all Opening, Renaming, Deleting & Formatting - Changed Allow to Deny the operation.
Those settings remain unchanged when I enter customised but the slider reverts to High. ???
Well Mozilla uses Netscapes engine not vice versa
Also i don’t get any alerts in Opera/Mozilla and i have sensitivity set to High (scan files on open/create/modify/copy itd…)
what changes exactly did you do/customize ? maybe avast recognized those as identical to "HIGH" security, and thus kept the slider there..
maybe ???..i think i saw similar posts regarding this problem…but just couldn’t find it >:(
Also i don't get any alerts in Opera/Mozilla and i have sensitivity set to High (scan files on open/create/modify/copy itd...)
i can verify this
Oops, sorry, you’re right, it was some other AV which detected them under Netscape
at home (avast) I could only get IE to even show the test buttons