AGAIN?!? World of Warcraft is not a virus!

We just went through this a few days ago. And now it’s happening again! Tried logging into World of Warcraft, and it is being listed is a virus!

This is seriously getting OLD. I shouldn’t have to temporarily disable my anti-virus whenever I log into WoW.

Fortunately the game is on downtime today until 11 am Pacific Time. Maybe someone will get this message and fix this before the game is back up and running again in a few hours.

I suppose your virus definitions are up to date…
Hope they correct it soon (again).

They should be. I just woke up and turned on my computer, and Avast always seems to update the first time I turn on my computer each day. And considering it was working just fine last night, I assume when it updated this morning it broke it again.

I went ahead and double checked, and it came back as “Already up to date”.

If it helps at all, more information about the warning I’m getting:

File name: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache\24\e0\24e0dab53762d83c513db9897ebb8fccf7cc7bf83079d47de361f72646196792.auth[UPX]
Malware name: Win32:Malware-gen
Malware type: Virus/Worm
VPS version: 101005-0, 10/05/2010

did you send us the file to analyze?


I’m getting the exact same thing…

I did report it as a false positive, if that’s what you mean.

This is the 2nd time this has happened to myself and others hope there is a fix soon.

Yep happened to me as well…Reported as a False Positive.


it’s a shame to see a great software like avast sunk so low !!!

Thousand of people playing this game and you block it like a cheap worm !

i was a proud user of Avast but if you don’t fixx that soon i’m going to move to a less bugged antivirus !!! and say to all my friends to do so

Same thing with me. Cant log into WOW, PTR, or WoW Beta.

Avast please fix your issues so we don’t get this each time you update.

Any information that anyone could give would be really appreciated.

I am having this issue too. The only times it comes up are when I try to log in to World of Warcraft.

It started about a week ago, and I went through a series of steps over a period of about 24 hours as outlined in a number of posts on the 'Net, including the ones on these forums.

This seemed to fix it, but this afternoon it came back and I am having exactly the same problem: when I log in to WoW, Avast reports a virus and WoW won’t let me proceed. The most recent report refers to this:

C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache\TMP\D8747EC8DC071C8E69441DC9309F4CD6C52AAF3E2ED04AE2DBA2AC93F5DCF056A15E9A4495608A1E[UPX]

Malware Name: Win32:Malware-gen
Malware Type: Virus/Worm
VPS Version: 101005-0, 05/10/2010

I have tried all the options and then re-logged in to WoW: nothing fixes the problem.

None of my checks are showing any problem: HiJackThis, S&D, MBAM, AdAware, Rooter, OTL, TFC. Only Avast seems to be having problems.

ADD: I see that there are many people having this problem. You REALLY need to fix this. I - and probably many others - are paying for Avast Pro, and we’re all certainly paying for WoW subscriptions. We are not getting our money’s worth for either. Will Avast be reimbursing us for lost time on WoW, and for ineffective virus scanning?

Mike Boardman

I am having the same problem too, I tried to report it as a false positive but it tell me File Not Packed. What do you put in the fields to write a false positive?

Same issue :-[ File reported as a false positive.

Have latest version of Avast! and virus definitions.

Please fix this soon.

I’m new to this and reporting “false positives”

What would the required info be to report this as a false positive? I’ve tried several different
program names, program publishers, and program versions, but it says, “File is not packed”.

Here is a simple work around until the issue is resolved for real

  • Right click your Avast task bar icon.
  • Click avast! shields control
  • Click Real-Time Shield (on the left side)
  • Click File System Shield (on the left side)
  • Click Expert Settings (Button on right side)
  • Click Exclusions (on left side)
  • Click Add and add *.auth
    -You may also try C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\* (for Vista/7) or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Blizzard Entertainment\* (for XP)
  • Click OK and close the Avast options.

Sorry for the inconvenience, this problem was corrected in the latest VPS.
Best regards
Jan Sirmer

Thank you for fixing the problem!<3 ;D

Thank you for fixing the problem! Here’s hoping we don’t have to deal with it again!! :smiley:

Thanks for your quickness :wink: