Agent application revisited

I have an SBS server with 45 clients. I also have two W2K3 servers acting as application servers and secondary DNS/Authentication machines.

I purchased SBS Standard Suite with 35 Client access licenses. In addition I purchansed 2 Standard Server suites which come with 10 licenses.

I’ve installed Avast and ADNM on the SBS server. I have 21 systems showing up as having Agents installed. I have 8 systems showing up as not having agents installed despite having loaded Avast on them. Total Licenses used at this time 29. I have laptops in the field which require upgrading once they come in.

Among those appearing to lack agents are all the servers: the SBS 2k3 server, and both the 2k3 Servers. I would assume that the SBS Suite would take care of the SBS server by default, and that applying the Standard Server liceses to both of the wk3 servers would allow me to see them and manage them through ADNM. This is not the case.

I do not have firewalls installed on any workstations (verified). I do have plenty of licenses already within the context of my SBS Suite purchase for those systems I am working with now.

Is there any way to force the application of an Agent to a specific system? Particularly one which already has Avast installed but is showing up as not having an Agent?

thanks in advance

Apparently there is no good (favorable) answer to this question.