Hello…any help appreciated. I know about the Malware removal procedures but cannot do them because my pc keeps restarting before I can do anything. I’ve tried to remove certain viruses in safe mode, but the restarting continues. Any ideas? Ta.
Windows XP Professional, No anti virus (woops), various anti spyware programs.
It is hard to come up with any ideas without more information.
It is hard to suggest downloading either avast! Anti-virus Cleaner or Stinger if you can’t keep your system up for long or stay on-line?
What certain viruses?
What was the virus name, what was the filename, where was it found
example (C:\windows\system32\infected-filename.xxx)?
No AV, crazy, do you have a firewall or are you playing Russian roulette with an automatic as well?
get to windows update, because if this is on of the vulnerabilities that MS has patched, cleaning the virus (if that is what it is) will have a very limited effect, it will be back.
Well going online without an AV product is asking for trouble, infection within a quarter of an hour guaranteed if there are 1600 attacks from the Net per hour.
So in this case, because you have not an idea to what extent your computer has been compromised, the best policy is safe your data and do a fresh reinstall, load all the Service Packs and update, use a good AV product like Avast, take a good Firewall product, and anti-spyware programs (Ad-aware, Spybot S&D, SpywareBlaster (on a clean system). You have learnt a lesson, never go online unprotected,