AIS 6 autosandbox - default is "Ask" or Auto"?

Hi wise ones.

Re: My discussion with DavidR here.
Has the default setting been changed from “Ask” to “Auto”?

I think “ask”… or may be “auto” … ;D

I know that ask is the default in the free version for auto sandbox and it’s auto for the BhS, should be the same as AIS ???

Not sure.
You could always use the “reset to default” feature to check, if you don’t mind losing other settings changes.

Yep, you are right :slight_smile:

With Avast 6 only the default action for the BS changed from " Allow " to " Auto ".

Greetz, Red.

:wink: ;D

Both defaults are “Auto” in version 6.0.1044 Beta (installation from scratch) as far I know.
Correct me if I’m wrong please.

In 6.0.1000 the auto-sandbox is set to ASK and the BS is Auto

Thanks for the info.

Yes he is true. its that way only…

Sorry I was writing when tech wrote :smiley: