AIS 7.0.1426/66 -Sandbox Storage "Access Control" missing.

The pictures tell the story.

The context “Help” talks about settings for “ACCESS CONTROL” but I can’t see corresponding settings in the UI.

Your screenshot matches that which is on this link.

Avast! Internet Security Screenshots

So I suspect that the Term Access Control is perhaps misused, in that it is saying which drive/s that the sandbox will access. Which means rather than placing the sandbox in the same drive as the file but if you assign a different drive letter you can then apply (mount) that drive when your computer is restarted.

That would loosely be considered access control, by selecting a different drive letter perhaps that then triggers changes in the UI for additional options. I can’t check that as I use avast free.

Thanks David. That was my first thought too but even after a restart there were no extra options. Maybe it was a proposed feature never implemented.

No problem. A bit weird though to have it in the program help information, but again it comes down to the definition of Access Control, under normal circumstances it would mean who can access it.

[b]Assign a drive which can be used to access your aggregated sandbox storage[/b] By default, Windows will assign a specific drive letter which you can then use to access your entire sandbox storage. However, you can select any other available drive letter instead. This is useful if you have multiple storage folders (for example, if storage folders are created on the same drive as the modified file) [i]and allows you to access and manage all of your stored files together, regardless of their actual location.[/i]

Not having the Sandbox, I don’t know if that just allows you to access the sandbox folder (normally hidden) or something else, like the bit I have in Red Italics in the quote above, especially the part about Manage. Does that mean you could subsequently extract files from that location to the regular desktop

As it says in the Mount automatically at startup:

[b]Mount automatically at startup[/b] If you assign a new drive letter for accessing your aggregate sandbox storage, you can apply (mount) the new drive immediately, or when your computer is next started.

To me that gives the impression that like a disk image in backup software, you can mount the image so that it looks just like it would under windows explorer as other folders, rather than what the sandbox storage is, hidden and encrypted.

One thing for sure it need some avast input, probably from pk.

Over to you pk?, Vlk?, anyone with a username ending in ‘k’?

In AIS you can find the Sandbox Storage options by going to Other Protection—>Sandbox----Expert Settings. It is right under Parameters. 2nd item from the top.

There are three radio buttons to choose from

  1. The same drive as the modified file
  2. Logical Disk Drives (I guess currently mounted). Program chooses location on drive.
  3. Folder on any mounted drive.

I am using the default location which is #1 with the C: drive info showing in the 2nd option location bar. It shows C: plus the amount of available memory on the C drive. This leads me to believe that the Sandbox Storage is not a fixed size but will change as determined by the program and the amount of free space on your drive.

It would interesting to find out if you select the third option whether you have access to the files in that location through Windows Explorer.

Hi Nezivos
I understand all that. The context help explains it well enough and, yes, access to the files is possible via ‘Explorer’ if the 3rd option is chosen.
Still waiting for an explanation re the missing ACCESS CONTROL options though.

You’re right – I almost forgot this new settings ;D
Help files are always updated sooner than implemented feature (at least in my case), because these texts must be sent to all your translators and this can’t be done just few days before release date. I removed this new settings from UI, because I wasn’t able to test it properly – I’ll try to add it into next program update.

We have not received anything to translate for quite some months…

Thanks Pete. Seems reports of your super-powers were greatly exaggerated. ;D