AIS Firewall Driver Could Not Be Installed

I have been using AIS on my laptop for quite some time. I upgraded to windows 8 pro 64 recently. When I did, the firewall stopped working. I tried repairing and simply uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. When I uninstalled, I lost control of my keyboard and trackpad, but I have since resolved that. (Thank you search feature) I was wondering if this is just a bug with Win 8 and the avast firewall portion of AIS??? I’m kind of at a loss as to where to go from here to get it working. Will it be ok to use the Windows firewall with the rest of AIS or should I uninstall AIS altogether? Any Ideas???

Thanks in advance.

Try uninstallng AIS and then re-installing. Make sure you use the proper procedure to uninstall

Alternatively you could go into the W8 Programs and try a repair of AIS

I’ve uninstalled using the uninstaller tool, which resolved the unusable keyboard issue. When I reinstalled, however, I still got the error message for the firewall install. I also tried the repair and it completes but it doesnt try to install the firewall. When I do change and try to install the firewall I get the following error.

“The avast! Firewall driver couldn’t be installed. The installation will proceed without the avast! Firewall component.”
This is from the “minimal” log. This is just the portion that gets the errror.

03.11.201222:44:32vps: event 0x0004002A set
03.11.201222:44:32Installing aswNet driver - start
03.11.201222:44:32Installing aswNet driver - end, returned code 0 (0x)
03.11.201222:44:34Error installing C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup\Inf\x64\aswNdisPt.inf (0x800705AA)

Small update. The firewall tab is not even in the UI in the avast program, until I enable the windows firewall. When I enable the windows firewall, the firewall tab in avast shows up, but obviously nothing works. Figured that may be relevant?