Aiutooo! Infezioni Mal

Ciao a tutti,

da alcuni giorni Avast, ogni 5 minuti, mi notifica con un messaggio pop-up che ha bloccato una minaccia. :-
Infezione URL:Mal
Processo …rundll32.exe

Ho fatto diverse scansioni con avast, anche all’avvio, ma non trova virus.
Ho scaricato superantispyware e dalla scansione mi trova ed elimina solo i coockies. :-[

Cosa posso fare per risolvere questo problema?
Vorrei evitare di formattare tutto se possibile… :cry:

Ciao Eddy,
ti ringrazio per la veloce risposta. :slight_smile:

Sono andato al tuo link…non conosco benissimo l’inglese…mi sembra di aver capito che devo scaricare 3 software, fargli scansionare il mio computer, poi generare dei logs.txt delle scansioni ed allegarli ad un nuovo topic nella sezione ‘virus e worms’ del forum…
lì posso avere un aiuto da parte di alcuni ‘Cacciatori di Malware’…

E’ corretto?

Avast è aggiornato? Che versione hai? La 12.4.2281?
Che versione hai di Windows? È aggiornato?
Hai già eseguito anche il browser Cleanup di avast?
Succede mentre hai aperto il browser? Con altri succede?
Prova anche ad eseguire una scansione con MBAM free.

Ciao Giorgio,

Di Avast ho la versione Internet Security 12.3.2280 aggiornata.

Ho win 7 ultimate SP1 aggiornato.

Il browser Cleanup di avast non l’ho ancora provato…ora lo scarico…

Sì, succede mentre ho aperto il browser Chrome, devo provare se lo fa anche con Explorer…

Con MBAM free ho già provato…

Intanto grazie!


il browser Cleanup di avast non ha trovato niente di dannoso,

possiedo il browser chrome aggiornato (Versione 55.0.2883.87 m)

Con Explorer al momento non sembrano comparire i pop-up di avast, ma devo testarlo un pò di più…

Se succede solo con chrome, prova a vedere se ci sono delle estensioni strane in chrome e nel caso rimuovile. Se non hai nulla di strano, disinstalla chrome (prima sincronizza i tuoi preferiti nel tuo account gmail), riavvia il pc e reinstalla chrome

Purtroppo ora mi sono accorto che lo fa anche senza browser aperti…

…intanto [shadow=red,left]Buon Natale[/shadow] :slight_smile:

scarica farbar ed allega i log


ok ho scaricato e fatto la scansione…
allego i 2 files…

Ho allertato un malware removal specialist. Resta in attesa di una sua risposta

Grazieee! :wink:

FIRST >>>>

Please go to START (Windows Orb) >> Control Panel >> Uninstall a Program or Programs and Features and remove the following (if listed):

Yahoo! Toolbar

To do so, left clicking on the name once and then click Uninstall/Change at the bar above the list window.

Follow the prompts of the uninstaller BUT please read carefully any questions it asks before answering; some uninstallers will try and deceive you into keeping the software.

Fix with Farbar Recovery Scan Tool
[b] This fix was created for this user for use on that particular machine.
Running it on another one may cause damage and render the system unstable.
Download attached fixlist.txt file and save it to the Desktop:

Both files, FRST and fixlist.txt have to be in the same location or the fix will not work!

- Right-click on
icon and select
Run as Administrator to start the tool.
(XP users click run after receipt of Windows Security Warning - Open File).
- Press the Fix button just once and wait.
- If for some reason the tool needs a restart, please make sure you let the system restart normally. After that let the tool complete its run.
- When finished FRST will generate a log on the Desktop, called Fixlog.txt.
Please attach it to your reply.

Tell me how you system is running now. Thanks.

Hello dbrisendine,

I followed your instructions …
I uninstalled yahoo toolbar
and then I made the fix with FRST.

For now it seems that everything is fine, :smiley:
I am attaching the fixlog.

I keep checking and let you know …
Thank you!!!

Actually, that Fixlist should have fixed the problem. I will be monitoring this thread to see how it goes for you and your system. Happy Holidays!!

Thanks very much, everything looks good! No warning from Avast! :smiley:

Happy Holidays!!

If everything else if fine for you (Avast is running / scanning with no warnings, etc.) then I will remove our tools and get you on your way …

Clean up of Malware Removal Tools
Now that we are through using these tools, let’s clean them off your system so that should you ever need to have malware removed again (we hope not) fresh, updated copies will be downloaded.

[]Download Delfix from here to your desktop and double click it to start the program
[*]Ensure Remove disinfection tools is ticked
Also tick:
]Create registry backup
[*]Purge system restore

[*]Click Run
[*]The program will run for a few moments and then notepad will open with a log. Note: Please save this log first before rebooting your system (if asked to); DelFix does not save the log as it is trying to remove all traces of our work on your system. Please attach the log in your next reply.

You can delete any log files left on your desktop as these are no longer needed.

==Some Tools to consider to help keep your system safe ==

Unchecky is a small service that runs in the background to help keep those “extra toolbars” and tag along search engines from automatically installing. By automatically directing you to a custom install with all the options unchecked, only what you manually choose and confirm gets installed.

CryptoPrevent is a free program that prevents CryptoLocker / ransomware from infecting your PC by locking down the OS so the malware can not get a grip on your system. You can read the details about this program here.

Also, consider keeping MalwareBytes Antimalware in your arsenal of safe keeping programs. Use the free version (not the paid or trial version) and you won’t have a problem with your antivirus scanner program. Keep it updated and run a scan with it once a week.

Lastly, if you use Firefox as your main web browser, consider adding the NoScript and uBlock Origin add-ons to the browser to block scripting hijacks and remove unwanted ads from the pages you view.

You may also find some information and tips at this thread:
How did I get infected in the first place?
COMPUTER SECURITY - a short quide to staying safer online

I’ll leave this topic open for a few days so that if you have any questions you can come back here. Surf safe, my friend!!