Please may all be alert: There is a new virus called w32.cetix.xz please be carefull since there is no anti virus file for it yet. According to the avast website they are not familiar with it yet since i could not find any informaion about it on their virus database. The virus is made in Indonesia and unfortunately I am already infected with it. I just want to inform everybody to be alert especially with emails from indonesia. it will block your outlook express, in the bottom-right sight of you menubar you will see CETiX next to the time. evertime you copy some text and when you past it somewhere els not your copied text is being paste but the folowing message “Hello ! My Name is CTIiX, nice to meet you…”. It also disables AVAST to scheduele a bootscan. And if you want to use your IE browser to the AVAST website it keeps closing your browser. THERE IS NO ANTIVIRUS FOR IT YET SO BE ALARMED!!!
Checked this link with DrWeb online and it is clean:
Anti-virus engine version:
File size: 49316 bytes, with inside scripts and frames: 68949 bytes
download-pc-media-antivirus-pcmav-11-plus-update - archive HTML
download-pc-media-antivirus-pcmav-11-plus-update/Script.0 - OK
download-pc-media-antivirus-pcmav-11-plus-update/Script.1 - OK
download-pc-media-antivirus-pcmav-11-plus-update/Script.2 - OK
download-pc-media-antivirus-pcmav-11-plus-update/Script.3 - OK
download-pc-media-antivirus-pcmav-11-plus-update/Script.4 - OK
download-pc-media-antivirus-pcmav-11-plus-update - OK
This page also includes scripts/frames. All of them were also checked: