alert or advertising?

i had received 1 mail as this (sorry i can’t correctly translate):

ha infettato anche te?

Panda Security e Defence Intelligence
hanno collaborato con le forze di polizia per debellare una pericolosa rete di bot - conosciuta con il nome di Butterfly o Mariposa - che permetteva a dei
cyber-criminali di controllare quasi 13 milioni di computer.

Molti di questi computer sono ancora infetti…

Hai già verificato che non lo sia anche il tuo?

Scoprilo subito

I danni di Mariposa sono indescrivibili. Farei prima a contare le 1000 aziende fortunate che non sono state infettate che quelle che sono state compromesse".

Christopher Davis. CEO. Defence Intelligence.
Panda Security rispetta la tua privacy.
Sei iscritto come
Se non desideri ricevere ulteriori comunicazioni clicca qui. © Panda Security 2010)

avast! Antivirus: In arrivo messaggio pulito.

Virus Database (VPS): 100404-0, 04/04/2010
Controllato il: 05/04/2010 7.08.35
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2010 ALWIL Software.

You think who this it’s simply advertising or there is something of true?

While it may not be an excellent translation, it is understandable if you use Babel Fish for such translations.

(Butterfly it has infected also you? Panda Security and Defence Intelligence they have collaborated with the police forces in order to vanquish a dangerous net of bot - known with the name of Butterfly or Mariposa - that allowed to of i cyber-criminals to control nearly 13 million computer. Many of these computers are still infect… You have already verified that it he is not also yours? You discover it quickly The damages of Mariposa are indescrivibili. I would make before to count the 1000 fortunate companies that have not been infected that those which have been compromesse". Christopher Davis. CEO. Defence Intelligence. Panda Security respects yours privacy. You are enrolled like If desires not to receive ulterior communications here clicca. © Panda Security 2010)

avast! Antivirus: In arrival clean message. Virus Database (VPS): 100404-0, 04/04/2010 Controlled: 05/04/2010 7.08.35 avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2010 ALWIL Software.

ok, i have translate with babel fish, but the question it’s the same:
butterfly it’s a real virus wich maybe in my pc? or it’s a simple fucking spam?
and in the first possibility, avast can repair the problem?
N.B. on my pc i have intalled only avast!

(sorry for my terrible english)

It seems to be advertising spam since avast says “clean message.”

Certainly spam and possibly phishing (see below) or scum/scamware, trying to frighten people into buying a product.

A legitimate company wouldn’t resort to spamming, sending unsolicited email to potential customers to promote a product and using fear as a marketing tool. It isn’t legal (spamming), ethical or moral.

Phishing, this is where it purports to come from Panda and may have a link that looks like it comes from panda, but it is possible to display one URL yet when you click it then it goes somewhere else. That location may well look like the site but most likely not.

Never open attachments or click on links in unsolicited/spam emails.