Alerts - Notify by computer name when virus...

Is it possible to configure an alert when a virus is found? I am not sure how to configure the alert. I would like the alert to be configured so that it will tell me the computer name , virus name and if it was deleted, moved to the virus chest , etc

Thank you!


You mean mail alerts? Or GUI alerts?

Also, are you talking about the on-access scanner?


I am talking about mail alerts and the on-access scanner. I check the ADNM console through out the day for virus on the computers. I would like to get a e-mail alert to let me know that a virus was found and what compouter may have the problem.



Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

Thank You!


It’s quite simple. Create an alert object (in the Alerts folder in the console) and then associate it with the on-access scanning task.

Also if using SMTP alerts, make sure the SMTP server details are correctly set in the computer group’s properties (in the Computer Catalog).

Greetings from Redmond,