After having the Home edition for a year, I have now upgraded to the Pro edition thinking that would solve a couple of things, but apparently not!
SMTP Alerts
I have followed instructions from previous posts, and have setup the SMTP accordingly, but now I get the following error when testing ‘An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host’. Good grief, so now what?
Also, after running my first scan, I received no warning whatsoever that it had found two viruses. The only reason I discovered this was from going into the Sessions screen a couple of days later! Just in case I tried adjusting the WinPopup settings, but all I can do is add a Net Address again. Just in case, since I do have a network setup, I used the ‘Browse’ and selected this computer within the network, and it did say that the test was successfully sent, but when I went looking for it - nothing! What gives? ???
Below are screen shots of the SMTP settings and the present state of the Alerts settings
So far, not as impressive as I thought it would be. Maybe I should have considered AVG instead?
Ummm, now this forum setup tells me that I have already posted this after giving me a file too large error, but when I go looking for it, it’s nowhere to be found! So after having had to rewrite this entire post twice…sorry but understandably that makes for real frustration !!! Can we also have that fixed pls!!
Port 465 is used by SSL connections. avast can’t send through it without Stunnel. Take a look here: to see how to set up secure email with avast!.
Ok, tks. I’ll take a look at that.
Any insight on the other issue as to why avast gave me no notification that it had found two infected files after the auto-scheduled scan last week?
If you don’t use Stunnel and the proper port, your smtp settings are wrong and avast can’t send the email.
You’ll need something like:
port: 11025
your email and password for authentication.
You need to set avast to scan (smtp) and add the port 11025 to the redirection port (see Internet Mail provider settings). Uncheck the ‘Ignore local communication’ option also.
So avast does not provide any sort of destop popup or other warning (except via email?), as it does if it finds something in an incoming email? I did get a destop warning once regarding an email. That’s all I need.
Sorry, you lost me here, bit of a novice in some things like this. I looked at the thread you mention but that’s refering to the webshield which, as far as I know, I don’t have on.
What do you mean by ‘scan (smtp),’ and ‘redirection port (see Internet Mail provider settings)’
Yes I see the pic, tks. Again bear with me, but this is new territory for me. Attached is screenshot of what I have at the moment. Regarding Stunnel, I take it that’s a separate program that has to also be downloaded and installed for any of this to work? See also following comments though, because this is all getting more complicated than I would think it has to be…. All I’m really after is a desktop warning/prompt such as I have seen avast! do previously, and which it surely should have done again when it found infected files during the scan?
Now all this is to cover being able to send out a virus alert (presumably to myself, or whatever email I specify) via eMail, but what about receiving just a regular warning window on the desktop? Does avast! not do that? Frankly, I can live without the email alerts if they are just to myself, I originally thought they would be for sending stuff to avast!, and that’s why I was trying to set it up.
For my own use I would prefer to just have the flashy desktop warning I have seen avast! do once before. How do I get that to happen?
Thanks for putting up with my inexperience.