

Some days ago the process alg.exe dissapeared from the task manager (was terminated). I didn’t do anything unusual, so I don’t know how that is possible and what does it mean. It never happened before. Do you know what could it be if alg.exe is not running? Could it be malware that caused this (I full-scanned my hard-disks with MBAM, SAS and Avast, also did the HijackThis log, but everything seems normal).

Thank you for any help.


I think you will get all informaton if you click this links.

There it’s written what alg.exe is and what it’s needed for, but not what could cause it to stop running etc. Thanx anyway. :slight_smile:

The alg.exe process is part of the internet connection sharing and internet firewall components in Windows XP.
If you use a non microsoft firewall and don’t share printers or files it is safe to stop this process.

Have you made any changes to your system that would account for it’s removal ???

No, no such changes at all. And I use the MS Windows XP Firewall, so… I don’t know. But it seems OK now, it’s running.

Sometimes it just needs a reboot…