I have the following problem: I am using avast home edition in a computer with windows xp and a connection to internet via adsl
suddenly, I start receiving messages from avast that I have win32:allaple-d
and win:32:delf- ??
the problem is that for some reason, the avast can not update itself
the questions are:
is ther a way that I can update my avast antivirus in a manual way (maybe downloading a file from a site nd copying it to a folder or something like that)??
does anyone knows about some removal tool for that trojans, or a procedure to remov it?
What errors are you getting when you try to update ?
What is your firewall, does it allow access for avast.setup ?
Most Delf Trojans add a Startup entry: Startup Entry Name, SysService - Process Name, SysService.exe
Use Task Manager to End the Process. Also to end the startup entry, Windows Start, Run, type 'msconfig without the quotes, in the new window select the Startup Tab, find the SysService entry and uncheck it.
Please explain “suddenly, I start receiving messages from avast,” what were you doing at the time ?
What is the infected file name, where was it found e.g. (C:\windows\system32\infected-file-name.xxx) ?
What actions have you taken to try and resolve the problem ?
yes, i google for win32:allaple …
but the answer taked me to some vps history in the avast web site s
in my case, apparently, the avast is capturing the trojans, but it keeps returning
each time i try to run a program, Avast shows me a window informing me that there is a trojan win32:allaple-d
What i mean with suddenly …? let me explain
I don´t use that computer much
A few days ago, when I tried to use the computer I realize that it has a trojan
and does not have acces to the internet, even when there is an active ADSL connection
I am going to try with msconfig, as you suggest. Thanks
Doing a search on the virus name in isolation often returns poor results as all you pick up as you found are signature updates of the various AV companies. Infected file names (search using them) and locations also help but that question is unanswered.
Some malware gets hooked into the connection settings and when removed could cause a problem. Unfortunately this can’t be confirmed as there is no information given on anything else. There are other questions asked which has also not been answered especially errors received, etc. these help us to help you by narrowing the possibilities, please go through my last post again and ensure you answer all questions.