Ive got a couple software programs on my comp that i believe AVAST is not allowing to run, how do i allow them? Im computer stupid so try n put em in layman’s terms.haha.
Thanks in Advance,
p.s. This is FREE AVAST by the way.
Ive got a couple software programs on my comp that i believe AVAST is not allowing to run, how do i allow them? Im computer stupid so try n put em in layman’s terms.haha.
Thanks in Advance,
p.s. This is FREE AVAST by the way.
Are you getting any alerts from avast ? try setting the auto sandbox to ask.
Not getting any alerts but everything ran fine until i installed avast.
Does setting the sandbox to ask help ?
no, not getting any pop-ups for sandbox, where do i goto set all that stuff up?
See pic, just try setting it from auto to ask for now and see what happens
How do i get to that part? I had this trouble before n once i got there i got it all sorted. I cant seem to fnd that menu tho.
Real time shields / File system shield / Expert settings / Auto sandbox
i tried getting in there, couldnt find it, also just noticed that it said AVAST isnt running, how can i get it running?
Try a repair of avast:
XP - Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and choose Repair, click next and follow.
Vista, win7 - Control Panel, Programs & Features, uninstall a program, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and choose Repair, click next and follow.
Reboot after the repair.
What are you using for a firewall? Any other security software?
What makes you “believe” it’s avast? I ask since you replied that you have had no pop-ups/alerts.