Already purchased, how do I get my key?

I purchased Avast a few months ago. I just reformatted my drive and am looking to reinstall Avast, but cannot find a way to get the key so I can finish the install and not use the demo. I tried to get a new key by typing in the email I registered with, but both of the main emails I use do not work. I bought this during a sale and got it a discount, would that make a difference? Anyway, any help is appreciated.

If you purchased avast Pro, you should have been sent an email with your registration key, presumably you saved this ?

A sale where, e.g. Where did you purchase this copy of avast Pro ?

Registering on-line to get your key sent to you is only applicable to the free Home version (no good for a pro version. However, you would still have been send a home license, if you didn’t receive that your ISP may have an anti-spam filter at work, not that does you any good as it won’t work.

You can contact sales (at) avast (dot) com giving the same information, but if you didn’t purchase from a legitimate source (and there are fraudulent sites and sellers on auction sites) then even they may not be able to help.

After a reformat the demo key in the avast Pro trial should be good for 60 days giving you enough time to resolve this.

I was not emailed a key, when I downloaded the version I bought I didn’t need to manually enter the key, it was already entered. I bought it from Avast’s website, but recall questioning why there was not confirmation email or anything…

Please, do what David said, contact sales.