yesterday evening, my laptop was still working fine, shut it down properly, but this morning, it wouldn’t start up anymore, not in the different safe modes, not in the normal modes.
The only thing I see, that it stops after the aswrvrt.sys file.
I’ve put the rufus file on a stick, together with the frst file, but when i boot my computer from that usb device, I only get to see a DOS like screen, which says: directory of C:
config sys
autoexec bat
autorun inf
autorun ico
frst exe
I can’t seem to change dir’s, and just entering ‘frst’ doesn’t do a thin (this program cannot be run in DOS mode)
I’m running an acer 7730G on XP for some years now, but this is the worst problem I’ve me (I’m not an expert, so please be gentle with you explanations!)
You need to put OTLPE on the USB stick to enable it to boot and use FRST
Download Peazip to the desktop
Run and install the programme
As it installs this page will show, deselect the AVG ticks
Press decline and it will then install cleanly
[*]Reboot your system using the boot USB you just created. Note : If you do not know how to set your computer to boot from USB follow the steps here
[]As the Programme needs to detect your hardware and load the operating system, I would recommend a nice cup of tea whilst it loads
[]Your system should now display a Reatogo desktop.
[]Locate the flash drive and run FSRT
[]The tool will start to run.
[*]When the tool opens click Yes to disclaimer.
[*]Press Scan button.
[*]It will make a log (FRST.txt) on the flash drive. Please copy and paste it to your reply.
Thanks for the fast reply!
The computer I’m using to download things, runs on Win8, and not an XP like the ‘sick’ computer.
When I want to do this: "
Right click OTLPE on your desktop and select …Open as archive
I can’t seem to find the open as archive.
Any tips for this?
EDIT: never mind, was in a sub menu of peazip!!! I’ll continu the instructions!
i’ve followed all the steps, rebooted, laptop asked again whether to do it in safe mode or not, I chose the normal mode.
After using my fingerprint for the initial boot, the computer starts up untill my login name comes up, but when I click on that, once again, nothing happens.
So the usb device doesn’t even boots (or sth like that), the welcome screen (without the word welcome) freezes and the booting stops…
OK, after another reboot:
1/ I used my fingerprint for the very first step (on the acer travelmate 7730g)
2/ Then it sais that it was going to boot from usb, so that’s ok
3/ then there is the ‘welcome’ screen (SORRY: WINDOWS VISTA on my computer, no XP!!!), with my username on it.
Normally, I don’t need to put on my pass anymore, since it’s ok since the fingerprint.
But now, it seems to get stuck on there, nothing happens anymore…
Yes, the USB is set as first boot device, but i’m still on the same screen.
The windows CD, no, I’ve bought this laptop in the shop, with Vista installed on it, and there wasn’t a CD included :-(((((
EDIT: i’ll continu my efforts tomorrow morning, going to sleep now,
i hope to find the solution tomorrow!!! Thanks already for the first ideas!
Is the Vista 32 or 64 bit ? If you let me know I will PM the download link for the appropriate RC ISO and the post instructions on how to get it up and running
And maybe another question on the side, whilst waiting:
Is it possible to extract the HDD from my laptop and use them as a ‘external HD’ on my other computer? That way, I’m sure to recover all my data, because I need it really fast to be honest…
Alright, I’m a bit more reassured now! And quite ashamed that I didn’t do a back-up for a very long time…
Any tips & tricks on how to remove those HDD and connect them to another computer?
Plus, I used Cryptic Disk to unmount and mount my HDD, will that interfere with the recovery of my data?
Remove the hard drive from the sick computer and place it in a USB caddy
Plug the caddy into a usable computer and you will be able to read/copy the data as if from another hard drive on that computer
Thanks, I’ll try that, but first, I’m gonna get me a USB caddy tomorrow!
I can’t seem to find my original exe file for Cryptic Disk (had the pro version), do you think that I will be able to use the program that is on my ‘sick’ computer HDD to open the other ‘sick’ hard disks?
It indeed didn’t run from that drive.
I’ve installed a new version from cryptic drive on my healthy computer, but it seems that this new version will not mount encrypted discs made by the old version!!! Still no luck …