Always detects virus in all email

I talked a friend into trying Avast a couple months ago. He is using 4.6 Home and generally everything is fine with one exception. Avast always detects a virus when opening email (through Outlook) from certain email addresses. Every email his mom, his uncle and I send him, triggers the avast alarm. I know my emails are clean. This never happens if the email is from his brother. His mom and I use MSN and his uncle uses Comcast. Not sure about those whose emails don’t trigger the alarm.

I get mail from Comcast and MSN all the time and it doesn’t trigger my alarm, ( even mail I send myself) so I don’t think it is Msn or Comcast mail causing the issue.

Any ideas how to correct this problem.

Can we get more details of the alarm triggered please?

Yes, a screen shot of the alarm or the complete text message of the alarm would be very helpful. :slight_smile: