Alwil in General

I would just like to say as a user of an older operating system 98 S.E I have found Avast not just an easy program to use, but also have experienced 100% fault free installations and updates, unlike other vendors.

I would recommend Avast to anyone.

5 stars from me.


[i]Right on nightshade… :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

That other AV that I’ve referred to has gotten to be too bulky to handle and reals system resources not the mention the problem it causes… :frowning:

Are you using Firefox as your primary browser? 8)[/i]


Yes, I have found Fire Fox to be faster at browsing amongst other things tabbing etc. 8)

Btw, I know exactly the AV program that you were referring to.

What’s Windows 98? :slight_smile:

Are you betting on Norton?
I think he had AVG ;D

I think he had AVG

[i]I’d say you’re spot on!

AVG has had more than a few defectors since the release of Version 8… Seems that, like Norton, they’ve gotten sloppy with their code and procedures… And it seems that testing is a luxury in their minds or some of the problems they’re having wouldn’t happen…[/i]

Welcome aboard :wink:
The only difference for me is that I’m an old-ex-AVG and I’m here quite some years now :wink:

Yes, quite true - I think avast and avira would have seen quantum jump in their users, since AVG 8. I am one of them… ;D AVG8 currently is IMO worse than Norton Internet Security even. Since a couple of months I am happy to report that other than a few FPs, I have had no issues with avast and this forum is much much better than AVG’s. :slight_smile:

Thanks Alwil Software!

[i]My Norton ship sailed six or seven years ago… Got to be to bulky, clunky and really burned system resources not to mention the constant re-connects and other things it did… >:(

I’ve been hearing nothing good about AVG 8.0 and I also know some (formerly) avid AVG users who have switched to AVAST! over the past few months…

Don’t get me started on the AVG (Free) Forum… ;)[/i]

Nope, I had a funny feeling that it was AVG, and the forums, well enough said, that rdsok mod could be very rude, many of those helpers would just copy and paste the same old scripts time after time.

If someone with next to no PC knowledge asked a question you were bound to receive this (blue text) most times, didn’t take me too long to find one either…

You didn’t provide us all the information that we need to help you. Read PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING - AVG Forum How to Ask for Help, provide all of the information mentioned in that post so that we may help you properly.

A very stable operating computer system, unlike many others I could mention!


It belongs in a stable with the horse and buggy, coal oil lamps and cold cobblestone floor.


In it’s day, it was a very stable operating system, particularly the second edition. But what would bring down just the program or service In XP or Vista would bring down the entire OS in 9x/ME. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…