I am getting repeated messages to update to 2014.9.0.2011. (Avast free).
I have tried a few times to update using the “update” feature and I have just done
a complete new install having uninstalled with Avastclear all with a few reboots.
The result is the same everytime - Firefox has big delays/stutters and Internet explorer
does not connect at all to any site I have tried.
I then use system restore to recover.
I am using Windows 7 home premium service pack 1.
So, am I safe to continue to use 2014.9.0.2006 which seems to be working with no problems ?
hI it is always a good idea to update to the lastest program update especially with antivirus software because of bugs being fixed but I must say to you if you can access all your websites with out any problem with this version of avast free and you have had the lasted version on your computer and you could not access your websites through firefox or Internet Explorer would not connect tor you with the lasted version of avast. I would by all means stay with this version of avast free of avast witch is 9.0.2006 stay with this version for now and go on with having fun wait a while I now it is a pain with the consented popups but hang in their.
I would also file a support ticket to avast tech support on the avast website and tell them of your problem and see if they are close to a fix for this issue.
It seems that a few people are having various problems with 2014.9.0.2011.
I know its been Christmas holidays but this has been going on for some weeks now and
not a lot of action seems to be coming from Avast.
Fortunately I am only using the free version so it is no big deal. Really glad I am not paying.
Had to fit new mother board in October and don’t want to do another Windows clean install so will move on and try another supplier.
Maybe go back to Kaspersky and pay. I used this for some years with no real problems.
I have no problems with my Win7x64 and avast. I’m wondering if the OP’s
issue is related to the “avast online security” plug-in? To find out disable the
plug-in in each of your browsers.
Well I also have no issues with the latest version on W8.1 or xpSP3.
imho I feel there are users that are installing Avast on systems that may no be free of other security remnants and this could be the cause of many installation failures.
Security program code goes extremely deep into the OS and it is very reasonable to expect some stuff being left behind if proper “uninstall” procedure is not maintained. I know this from many years of testing different Security software.
Just some added thoughts.
The issue either revolves around the AOS plugin or the Web “Non - Transparent Proxy” introduced in 9.0.2011 for Windows 7 +
There was an avast! emergency update out to fix the issue but it may/may not have reached you or fixed the files… so doing the below the procedure ensures that the “workaround” of using the non-transparent proxy is removed.