Am I Well Protected + Advice Please!

Ok im new to Windows pc’s and i have just got my first gaming pc and considering how much it all cost i would like it to be as protected as possible, i have been asking questions on other forums and i have come up with a few different programs i am thinking of using.

For my anti virus software i will be using Avast internet security (With a firewall), My question with this is will the firewall conflict with the one that comes with windows 7? knowone has really answered this question and its the most important imo.

I also plan on using Malwarebytes, but i have a question about this.
Should i also download an anti-spyware program as well as this? or is Malwarebytes good with spyware as well, i had super anti spyware in mind for that.

All i will ever do on this pc is gaming and youtube, i have a laptop i do all the rest so there is no need to worry that i might visit any malicious sites 

So these are my questions and would very much appreciate on advice on whether it will be decent protection!
If you have any other programs that i need to use then please dont hesitate to say!

Hi Joshg94.

Avast! firewall was built to work alongside Windows firewall so you do not need to turn it off.

MBAM Pro has an active defense ( Real time ), and is the best companion to Avast!. The free version is only good for on demand scan for a second opinion. Which MBAM are you going to use ?

Anyways Avast! will cover a variety of spyware. You will see in most members’ sig that we run other security programs to alert any changes in our sys.

It does not matter. Games run Flash or Java and they are the most vulnurable programs you will encounter in the web. Youtube is the same. So you will need to keep those 2 programs updated all the time.

So malwarebytes is just a second opinion if Avast picks up anything?

What spyware software do you recommend, i see you use spywareblaster, is that any good?

And i dont really know what the other software is in your sig :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry if i sound like a noob, i have just had a mac for ages and not really ever had any problems with viruses :stuck_out_tongue:

With this software will i have a decent amount of protection?

I also plan on using Malwarebytes, but i have a question about this. Should i also download an anti-spyware program as well as this? or is Malwarebytes good with spyware as well, i had super anti spyware in mind for that.
The names are a bit confusing.... basically they all do the same work, but no security program have 100% detection ;)

Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software?

For me, MBam Pro runs (in real time) along side AIS and is more then a 2nd opinion. I also have SAS installed but only use it for weekly (on- demand) scans, as any ‘real time monitoring’ uses System resources (RAM) so if one is only working with 1GB of RAM like I am, running too many real time security is too much.
Just some added input. :wink: :slight_smile:

I wont be using the paid version of Malwarebytes as i am skeptical of using 2 real time scanners, so using 2 non real time scanners such as Malwarebytes free and super anti spyware is fine if they were to scan together?

Just to add onto that question, spyware blaster or super anti spyware?

If you run it free, there is not real time proteccion so the only other thing you could do with it is to run an analisys. Since no secutity program is 100 % safe, anything that Avast! might miss, it could be pick up by MBAM.

In your case. Running W7 and IE 9 Spywareblaster is not need it. WinPatrol is a nice little program that give you and inside of what is in running your system and the paid version can alert you of some changes in real time. The other are just firewall and SAS ( Superantispyware ) that I have it as a third scanner.

Avast! Internet security and MBAM Pro ( Real time protection ) is more than enough to start. Keep your OS updated ( Microsoft releases patches for your system every second Tuesday of the month ) and if you run Adobe Flash player, Reader or Java keep then updated.

You can run Avast! and MBAM Pro without problems but you can not run two scans at the same time. It is just looking for a miss. None of the analisys will detect anything or one of them will give you a F/P.

Joshg94 keep in mind that if your using IE8 and above then SpywareBlaster isn’t neccessary, a good light setup for you would be AIS combined with the paid or free version of Malwarebytes and WinPatrol free or plus which monitors or your running processes and protects your hosts file :slight_smile: