I recently downloaded Amazon Cloud for the computer. It seems to be causing avast File Sys Shield to keep scanning- query[1].htm or query[2].htm or query[3].htm, or a “global” file. It just keeps going back and forth and going through the same scans and never stops as if something is constantly being sent or received–but there is not.
If I shut down Amazon Cloud (the program) the scanning stops. Start it again and the scanning begins while no files are being sent to the or from the cloud.
I don’t have to keep it running, but when it is I’d like to not have avast constantly scanning something that doesn’t need scanning. Anyone have this problem or suggestions?
My guess is that although the names might be the same, the content may well be changing and since it is an htm file it would be scanned on modification.
What is the path to this file ?
If it happens to be a URL, I would have expected the web shield to be scanning it or at least getting involved if access has to be made to the Amazon cloud.
I’m not really sure what Amazon cloud actually does, but like any cloud based function it is going to access the internet and download something. In this case into the browser cache but that I would have thought would have been scanned by the web shield ant necessarily the file system shield.
From what I found on a search the Amazon cloud:
Amazon has unveiled its ambitious music streaming service, Cloud Player, which allows users to play songs across a number of computers and Android ...
So perhaps the query[1].htm file is related to searches you have made or media played, etc. so this file would be constantly updated, hence it being scanned.
I don’t have anything sent to the cloud as of yet, and haven’t stored any music to be listened to. Thanks for your thoughts on this, but don’t spent valuable time on it. I was just wondering if anyone else had this issue and knew of a reason or way to stop the scanning other than not having the cloud app running. It’s doesn’t need to run all the time as it will start if you want to send something to the storage in the sky.