Amcrest Surveillance Pro and Avast Firewall

Security camera software… running fine until upgraded to Avast Premium… I use my local PC as the NVR… while the recordings are still being made, the PCNVR.exe file appears to have a problem getting through the Firewall… After restarting my PC… the PC-NVR (my local PC) shows offline… can’t be found… turn the firewall off and amazingly there it is… amcrest directory and sub-folders are in the white list / exception groups… anyone see this before…? any clues on why this is happening…?

Is your firewall in puplic or private mode? … if in puplic try private and reboot

Setting up Firewall Application Rules in Avast Antivirus


NOTE:The Network profiles control the settings which determine how strictly Firewall protects your PC.

Private: a lower level of security suitable for when your PC is connected to a trusted network such as your home or work network.
This profile enables better connectivity, and permits all communication within the network.

Public: a higher level of security suitable for when your PC is connected to a public network such as in a cafe or airport.
Because public networks present greater security risks, no incoming communication is permitted when this profile is set.
