What has happened to the nice sounding American lady who tells us our virus definitions have been updated?
Its been replaced by a Margaret Thatcher type lady,very prim and proper.
You have the English (UK) version you need the English (US) version to get her back
Thanks for that.It just seemed strange as I have not touched anything.
No looks like avast have updated the localisation voice over for it and frankly it is awful. The most harsh voice I have heard in almost ten years of using avast. It has total lack of feeling/continuity (not natural speech, it doesn’t flow), plus the wording and grammar of the script is poor.
avast! 2014 brings a familiar voice to British users
Well it doesn’t feel familiar to me, it feels totally false.
There should be more voice recordings for avast. I use the pirate talk cause it’s so damn funny. It would be great is avast had more of those goofy language supports, maybe something like a Scottish-English recordings of Sean Connery’s voice… xDDDDDD Imagining it right now hahahaha it would be awesome
Have you tried these? https://www.facebook.com/avast/app_161683100556760
OMG hahahahaha have been lookin’ 4 these in a wrong place xD THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Thanks for those voices.Loved em,have downloaded “Red”