I noticed that Avast is not placing its icon on the status bar as it should be. Actually i am not sure even if it starts. But when i launch it manually, the icon is still not displayed in the status bar.
Does someone notice this?
I reinstalled AMS.
After the first scan the icon disappears from the statusbar, but when pulling the statusbar down Avast is there and says if i am secure or not. But still it is not displayed in the statusbar itself
I dont think that it is working properly…
Is this on Avast purpous?
do you see it if you pull down the notification bar?
Yes, pulling down the notification bar shows Avast there and says if i am secure or not.
But the icon is still not shown in the notification bar itself.
well, that’s how it should be You’ll see the icon itself when there is actually something worth your attention going on (like ongoing scan, malware found etc).
So it is on Avast purpouse?
But i used the last AMSversion for a weeks and the icon was always there. I did not make Avast update. It started happen after I made an fardware update. I can not explain this to me, it is not logical?!
AMS5 was always like this as far as I know.
No, it looks like something was somewhre changed, but where
So did you update your Android OS? From which to which version?
no, it was not system update. it was just Firmware update.
I use an Android TV Box Minix U1 and Minix released new firmware, after which AMS starts behave like this