AMS - understanding last communications


In dynamic computer groups I created own group named “nvm” :slight_smile:
Now I want to display in this group all computers with last communications
with server more than 30 minutes… so I create expression
Last communication > ‘minutesago(30)’

and… nothing is dsplayed. I suppose is andy syntax error in this expression or any other mistake?
Any1 can help me?

check this thread

I red this thread, thx, but my problem is bit another. Look.

In new groups I have expression:

VPS version !=MAX

This expression sorts my computers correctly and all is OK.

Now, I want to add second expression to list computers with old avasts AND computers online

so I write…

last communication > minutesago(10)

now all loooks:
VPS version !=MAX
Last communication > ‘minutesago(15)’

and when i click OK, my list of computers is empty!

I suppose expression last communication > minutesago(10) is not correctly.

Is any documentation for this? I have any problem to find it…

i remember that somewhere in the avast manual it says that the clients contact the AMS server every 30 minutes…

that means that with your time limit in it, the computers that are online had to have communication done in the last 15 minutes from the moment you open the dynamic group or run a (scheduled) task on the group…
if the computers communicated 16 minutes ago they dont show up in the group AND will not for at least another 14 minutes…

I checked this - I was waiting more than 1 hours. No diffrents. My lan computers contact with AMS every 10 minutes, so I suppose problem is deeper :confused:

did you try with higher values already??
did you also try to invert the < into >

i must admit that the dynamicgroups querys are somewhat strange to configure, but you could try to see what works and then from there narrow it down to how it works for you (doesnt take away that it needs more explanation in the manual or so)

another guestion not related to the dynamicsgroup: as said i dont know how big your enviroment is but why let the clients check every 10 minutes? thats a lot of network traffic that is basicly not needed unless you have a very insecure enviroment (continues internet access by all your clients browsing or downloading or something, or a public internet access point or something)?

I have over 900 computers in my network, 10 minutes is a default value (after AMS installation). I think default value is OK for me - I often change a settings & I often
let /or no let access to www sites for some computer(s). Some time ago I was sniffing a network avast traffic - it was negligible.

Setting higher value nothing change - unless I have to write to avast support :expressionless:
Thx for ur help…

i remember 30 minutes was the default, my bad there then…

i guess this has to escalate in a support ticket yes (maybe its good for them to include the url to this thread so they know what you tried already)