AMS vs 360 Security vs CM Security

I used to use Avast because I liked the Premium version and it didn’t have ads like the others - now that it’s all free and I wasted my money on the Premium; what makes it better than the others in the same category? For instance, the two others I mentioned above.

Thanks for your input.

Hi Clickster.

When discussing the process of becoming a completely free product, we went through all options and really tried to choose the best one. So yes, you have paid for Premium and you have got the Premium features - we have not removed any of them, so you are getting what you have paid for. When your licence expires, you won’t need to pay again, that’s great, isn’t it? The only thing is that some users - those who did not pay - have the app for free a bit earlier than you.

The ads we have now enable us to offer the app free of charge. I don’t know many details, but there has been some discussion about an ad-free version, stay tuned! Avast Mobile Security is still a very strong anti-virus with some extra features like app locking and firewall (which is now being redesigned and will be added back in March).

I do like the idea of an Ad-free version. I will look out for that.


I will also note - the “task-killers” in the other apps mentioned seem to be bogus and actually do more harm than good. I am sticking with Avast.