An avast alert window won't let me adjust column width

The alert below popped up and displayed some information about a couple of files it detected. These files are listed in the ROOTKIT INFORMATION box, and is displayed using adjustable columns. Well, the columns only adjust to the left, and not the right, and now that I’ve slid the column to the left, I cannot restore it. Each subsequent alert like this still has the columns slid to the left.

Looks like I’ll just have to uninstall/reinstall avast, but this little issue should probably be looked into.

I would try a repair of avast first. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. This has in the past resolved this out of sync issue between reported and actual virus definitions version.

Good idea. I’ll try a repair right now.

As a side note, the files it was reporting were ATI files related to my graphics card. I’m not sure why they were showing up… but I told it not to tell me about those files in the future.

Generally I wouldn’t suggest using that option as far as I’m aware there is no way to reverse that decision. As much of a pain as it is, I would rather do as you did submit the file for further analysis and Ignore as the option. That way after the analysis, you would know that it was resolved (FP) when it no longer alerts.

Whilst you can’t get up the alert screen, generally I first try double clicking on the column separator to expand to the maximum data with.

Tried that. Nothing moved the column.

Also, I had just previous encountered a problem where my video drivers didn’t seem to function, and trying to reinstall them failed. I had to use Rollback to go back to a system state before this had happened. I believe avast may have detected the driver files before and “dealt” with them without prompting me (as to why it would prompt me this time, i’m not sure).