Hi there…
love the program but I am having problems with the update feature while logging on.
I checked and I am missing the “ashmon” file.
I am running windows XP pro on an AMD 600.
Avast 4.1.289
file version 0310-9…11-11-03
Outlook 2000
cable modem
I have uninstalled and reloaded the program and this helped for a few days but the problem is back…
The only other program that I have run lately is Ad-aware 6.0…could this have removed the ashmon file???
thanks in advance,
I’ve got this problem too and neither manual updates via the tray icon nor updates from the settings menu via “Update Now…” work: after clicking just nothing happens
this is always the case and simply occured after a while of using avast. (automatic updates did work in the beginning)
Do a search on updates in this forum. There is a thread about the time v. 289 came out that instructs to delete a couple of files and then do a manual update. that worked for me.
I’m missing the ashmon.exe file though, only got aswmon.sys. And I’ve got no avast.setup process running.
When I’m trying to update via the update downloaded from the website, the updater says “already up to date” but the avast main program shows a virus database from 24.10.03.
Vlk, during an uninstallation process today this ‘avast.setup’ was into Task Manager and I could not finish the installation. The repair function did not work too. The change function give me the error in the picture.
Sorry kubecj, I shut down avast.setup from Task Manager, desinstall avast and then run the Installation again. Now, repair function is working. Anyway, I’ll send the files.
hi, I just got an e-mail referencing http://www.asw.cz/i_kat_207.php?lang=ENG saying that I need to reregister because my activation key I registered for “1 year ago” expires not allowiing updates anymore.
First: is this a true e-mail from avast?
Second: Is it true, the activation code is only valid 1 year? and then updates are not possible anymore?
Third: I registered some months ago (~2) not 1 year ago!!
If you want to update the program itself offline - just download the main installer (just as when you installed it for the first time). When you run it, it will not reinstall your avast! installation, but update it instead.
I am having the same problem as LARS - error whilst attempting to update - manual update does not work either. I recently registered and got my activation key… then a few days later got told my 1 year thingy had run out and i had to register again - and got a new key… this new key caused problems with updating again and i still get the “ERROR WHILST ATTEMPTING TO UPDATE” message - exactly as LARS describes it :-[