An extra blue ball in my tray?

Twice this morning I came out of standby, and a minute or so later, an extra avast blue ball appeared in my tray with an arrow twirling all over the place.

At first I thought it was something to do with standby but its happened once more while I was surfing.

I can’t find any entries in the log viewer which might explain it - can anyone help please?


Avast comes with an “A” ball and an “I” ball. Maybe its’ the “I” ball that is generating your VRDB???


You’re right Peter - thanks! :slight_smile:

Even as I was reading your reply, the ball appeared again & I was able to spot the “i

I’ve never noticed it before & didn’t realize the VRDB was done in ‘little bits’

Thanks again,


You can always right-clcik it and choose MERGE WITH MAIN AVAST! ICON. That way, generating the VRDB will still be permormed when your computer is idle (that’s default setting btw), and you will not see the extra blue ball icon with “i” inside while it’s doing it…

Cheers !

Craftec, for me it’s different… even merged, I can see the i swirling ::slight_smile:

This is by design. :slight_smile:

Hi Craftec,

I did have ‘i’ & ‘a’ merged, but as Technical & Vlk say, the ‘i’ appears seperately anyway (which I think is a good idea cos it shows its working!).

I’m just surprised that I hadn’t noticed it before - I checked the help files & it says the period of 3 weeks between generations can be altered in avast4.ini

I was pretty sure that I hadn’t done so but I had a look anyway. Except for an entry about vrdb balloons, all I have (at the end of the file) is:


I wouldn’t know how to change from 3 weeks to any other value anyway - out of interest, can anyone tell me where the 3 weeks default setting is?



Oops - I’ve just noticed the “Understanding avast4.ini file” sticky by Technical! :-[

After looking at the section on VRDB , I find I don’t have a “RunInterval 30240” entry (ain’t gotta clue wot I done with it!) so I’m even more surprised that avast chose today to update the VRDB.

Anyway, I’ll put the runinterval entry into the ini file and see what happens in 3 weeks!


The best rule in computing is this:
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Don’t add or change anything. It’s working fine. ;D

I’m a little late “jumping in” here, and it looks like you’ve already got things nicely under control. In particular, you’ve discovered that the VRDB icon shows separately while a new VRDB is generating even if (like probably most of us, to save space) you’ve merged the two.

As for the RunInterval setting, Bob’s quite right to just leave the ini alone unless you actually want to change the period between VRDB’s. RunInverval is just one of many setting-parameters for which avast “assumes” some default value (in this case 3 weeks) if there’s no specific line for it in the ini. Probably built right into the exe, I imagine.

Okay Bob & Mike - I’ve taken the runinterval line out (sorry to see it go, think it was the first time I’ve altered an ini file :-[) and everything is back to normal (‘fingers crossed’).

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:
