This test was conducted by Passmark Software LTD. They are a leading maker of benchmark and diagnostic software. This test does not include Avast 5 at this point in time, sucks but the next update should. The results are in PDF format. See the lower right corner of this page for the download link named. “New Anti-Virus Performance Report for 2010 Products”
I cant believe how bad Trend, McAfee and AVG are. Talk about hogs. AVG must have 3 broken legs. I feel sorry for anyone running AVG.
You should be able to right click the link on their website and save as or save target as I would think. I use Firefox with the PDF download plugin so PDF’s only open in Firefox if I choose to.
The link on the page isn’t a direct link to the .pdf file but an html page which auto loads the pdf file (or attempts to as I don’t allow pdfs to open on-line in my browser, as that leaves an opportunity run an exploit. When it tries to load the pdf, I just captured the .pdf link and downloaded it with Orbit.
As was mentioned this test didn’t use 5.0 but 4.8.1351, so I’m sure there would be improvements to those tests for avast 5.0.
After going over the PDF thoroughly Symantec payed to have the testing done. Did this affect the results? It sure could. I have known the guys at Passmark for close to 10 years. They have as far as I know never tainted anything for money. I’m going to contact them and see what they say about it. I’m also going to see if they will test Avast 5 Free, Pro and AIS and update the PDF. Wish me luck!
Anyone that has had experience with Avast versions 4 and 5 care to comment on whether version 5 has improved on system performance? Since 4.8 is included in the test, it would give a (very) rough idea where 5 would have fallen on some of these graphs.
IMO Avast 5’s GUI is much faster. Can you say lightning fast. Its the fastest AV/IS GUI I have ever seen. Manual scanning speed is too close to call by eyeball. As far as system performance goes Avast 5 is heavier than 4 but not a great deal heavier. Boot times are slightly slower but again nothing major. Considering Avast 5 should have much better protection the small performance penalty is fine by me. Many people claim Avast 5 uses less memory than 4. That may be true but unless the PC Avast is installed on has a lack of free memory less ram usage will not improve performance.
I have Avast 5 Free installed on my 3 PC’s. A 1.4 Ghz Centrino laptop with 768 megs of ram running XP Pro sp3 32 bit, A Athlon II 240 2.8 Ghz with 4 gigs of ram running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit and a Q6600 @ 3 Ghz with 8 Gigs of ram running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. The first and last were migrated from Avast Home 4.8 to Avast 5 Free. On both systems I could see a slight performance penalty when moving from Avast 4.8 Home to Avast 5 Free. All three PC’s run trouble free and perform as they should IMHO. How much of an increased performance hit Avast 5 pro and AIS will bring I have no idea as I have never used them. I was seriously considering purchasing Avast 5 Pro for my three PC’s but the licenses are per PC not for 3 PC’s as AIS is. This makes pro more expensive than AIS if you have more than 1 PC. I guess I could buy AIS and not install the firewall.
Other thoughts: I used Avast 4.8 Home because I was sick of pig AV products. I was a long time Trend Micro Antivirus user because it was not a pig. This was about 2001. I switch to their IS product when it came out (2005?)and I was very happy with both the performance and protection. Each year TIS got to be more and more of a hog. It became as bad or worse than Norton and Mcafee. Place your favorite hogs name here. I gave up on Trend Micro in 2008 and went looking for a product that had decent protection and was not a total pig.
I tried Avira and it killed hard drive performance so bad a floppy drive looked fast. I found that many people used AVG free so I gave it a shot and it was not a pig so I used it for close to two years. AVG at some point started having update problems and after months of this problem I found and switched to Avast 4 Home. I could not believe how light Avast 4 Home was. It was like not even installing an AV as far as I could tell. The downside was the horrid media player GUI and the sounds. Once I found that skins and sounds could be turned off I was 100% happy. Now we have Avast 5 its not perfect plus 64 bit support is not complete. No boot scan, no behavior shield etc. ALWIL claims its coming, lets hope so. For me Avast 5 Free is light enough and has better protection than 4.8 Home. It should have better protection than most paid products out there. Avast 5 is a keeper IMHO!
Looks like Symantec really did some good work getting the performance hit reduced in the 2010 versions. Did they finally figure out how to make a uninstaller? I’m not sticking my neck out to find out that’s for sure.
Thanks for your thoughts wonderwrench. I am coming from Kaspersky Internet Security on XP with a Pentium M 1.7 CPU. I installed AIS5 and notice a definite improvement in responsiveness. I am transitioning to a new Thinkpad with a Core i5 540M and have installed Avast there as well. Nothing to compare to however. It may be that faster processors yield much less differences between these suites than do the older and slower ones.
I can say that I am delighted with the performance of Avast 5 free. I was
using Avira free until this past Tuesday and Avast performs as good or better
in every aspect when compared to Avira with only one exception. Time it takes for a full scan to be done. To me that’s no big deal when you consider the
extra protection supplied by Avast shields that Aviras free version don’t have.
I installed File/Behavior/Web/Network shields and with Avira you don’t have
Behavior or Web shield. Even with the extra protection I feel my browsing
and downloading is really fast and even though I don’t think I need the Web
shield am still using it and liking it a lot. I think Avast does better opening files
and moving around Windows.