Analysis of Avast data protection suggests it's not ready for prime time

A detailed analysis of the data protection features of Avast (and many other) security suites show the technology is not very mature and leaves data vulnerable.
Here’s the paper.

Since it is related to Android protection, it should be posted in that section :wink:

Right, my good friend Pondus, posting has to go here:
Every new technology has to start somewhere and so it has to mature.


No protection software can ever be ready for new threats since it is not known how and what the new threats are.
It is like with human diseases.
First there is the disease and only after it has been discovered people can go find a cure for it.


Do not forget that every 4 minutes new malcode is born.
That is an awful lot of new malware.


If it belongs there,
Why is it being commented on here ???