Analysis Question

How long does Avast analyze a file in the Sandbox? Just wondering because Avast was analyzing a suspicious file in the Sandbox.

Really that should depend on the file the bigger and more complex the longer I would assume, you might try adding to the the exclusions list if you believe to be trusted.

Thanks and I was curious about that.

It also would depend on your system specs.

should not take more than 10s (its a lot of time for computing in this age) :smiley:

There’s no hard limit though - it depends on the program’s behavior.

the analysis time doesn’t really take that long… but the results of analysis is always the same… not enough evidence to determine malware :confused: is this a bug?

It can take several hours or days to analyze programs. Generally I just close the window and let them keep going. I have a quad core and I have some programs that have been analyzing for over three days and still have yet to complete. So hang in there, it can take awhile to analyze.

If avast is taking hours ( days ) on your system to analyse files in sandbox then something is wrong :o

terminate those programs running in the sandbox. it is likely those programs are running in loops already.

also, none of the data of the programs running in the sandbox will be saved. all data will be lost.

@ akama 1 Hide your email. Reason…spam! :slight_smile:

It takes me about 5-15 seconds to analyze a game. I’m pretty sure game files are quite large, so that should be a good estimate.

To vleems: What kind of files are you analyzing? Those must be reeeeeeally big. ???