Android avast anti-theft low battery notification not working

heya im got a problem with my android avast on anti-theft i have enabled low battery sms notification but when I let my bettry get to 10% it still not sent a sms message to my mums mobile i have set her number has the main receiver (commander if you like) can you help me please ???

Do you have set the notification in system settings?

How can i get to the notification settings im on HTC wildfire S ???

note that this feature is a “protection behavior”. protection behaviors (as specified on the app screen) only apply if a) the phone is marked as LOST or b) the SIM is not trusted.

I tested with another SIM in my smartphone,alarm began to sound,PIN code is required…but not receive notice on your phone wife the battery should be empty.
Option battery is set enable in Setting.


I’ll check.

Thanks reinhardholzner, maybe found issue :wink:

what is it?

Nothing…Thank you for you check problem with battery notification…