[ANDROID FIREWALL]Which Apps to keep Enable in white list so commands work

I use droidwall for its simple ui and low mem(poor android phone) and I only allow 4-5 apps(white list) for 2g/3g.
I have avast firewall and anti-theft app installed and they too white listed.
But if I send some command all I get is “Command timed out”

I suspect this is the issue
Some wireless networks or firewalls do not allow Google communications (block of ports 5228, 5229 or 5230)

  1. which apps/process to keep(white list)
  2. Should I change my firewall to avast so this problem won’t occur.

if there is any possibility, please keep first option as prefered one for anwser.

When you are running two firewalls, the problems will arise quickly. Did you try to turn on one of the firewalls and try again?

Where do I mentioned that I’m on a bull and a bear at the same time.
I only use droidwall.

…if I send some command all I get is “Command timed out”
I tried resovling issues, From “Fix connection Problems” but the problem hovers again