Annoying ads in update popups!

Avast has ads. AVG has ads and a toolbar with search engine. Avira has ads. Comodo tries to make you buy Geek Buddy. All the top FREE antiviruses have ads. Avast is NOT alone. Does Avast Free provide superior detection? Yes. Even new comer Roboscan has ads. If you want a complete free antivirus with no ads then get MSE. But then you will sacrifice detection rates. I don’t get any ads what do ever cause I already use Chrome as my main browser.

Thank you for sharing your settings. I tried setting the red and orange popups to 999 but find that any setting over 180 seconds causes the box and number to turn red. What does this mean?

I would think that it is an invalid input; why you would want it to stay there all of the time is debatable when you only have to right click on the avast tray icon and select ‘Show last popup message.’ If you need more time to view it, you can also use the pin icon to keep it there when displayed.

Wow! Thanks for the information. I did not know about those features. They will work well if I need more time to study the popup.

You’re welcome, avast is still one of the most configurable AVs out there ;D

Maybe the following will help you achieve a Quieter avast!

“Wow! Thanks for the information. I did not know about those features. They will work well if I need more time to study the popup.”

Perhaps you need to have an Avatar of yourself holding a paper sign that says Sarcasm in order for the helpful mod to understand?

Guys I started a web search in Google. I typed in Avast a… and it completed what I was going to type as it’s #1 guess…which was Avast annoying popup . Meaning…probably 1000’s of other Google users had typed that, too.

I got up this morning, there was a center popup, I closed that down, the two rose up on on the right. 30 seconds later they reappeared. a few minutes later, the center popup returned, as did the two on the right.

Guys…there are VIRUSES that are less annoying than this!

I got up this morning, there was a center popup, I closed that down, the two rose up on on the right. 30 seconds later they reappeared. a few minutes later, the center popup returned, as did the two on the right.Guys..there are VIRUSES that are less annoying than this!
I've only used avast! for 10 years and have never experiences what you described. What settings changes did you make to cause this behavior ???

If it is annoying just reduce the green popup settings to 1 sec in main settings. Then in one blink of an eye the popup will be gone!!! :slight_smile: