Annoying chirping

I have encountered a very annoying chirping sound. It reduced significantly after running a v scan. Only one v found. it stops every time I run a v scan and then starts after a few mins - intermittently.

It’s difficult to say but seems related to hardware (HDD) and not software… ::slight_smile:

Yes I do agree with Tech that this is probably the hard drives :stuck_out_tongue:
(Mine does the same, but now I’m used to it ) ;D


Thanks. Will have the Dell folks ckeck it out!

Normally I don’t submit “me too” posts, but this may be of help…

I had a “chirping” sound a while back, and thought it was the hard drive too.

In my case however, it wasn’t the hard drive. It turned out to be a dry bearing in the CPU fan. I had it replaced along with the heat sink for $12.50 at a local computer repair shop.


A quick search found this interesting site: